Ok this is gonna be my first attempt at this..

07-29-2004, 08:14 AM
Hey guys One thing i'd like to know, i have hlmv, BUT ONE THING I WANNA LEARN, is how would i add slings, etc. to weapons? p w and v that is, it may sound like im makin it sound easy but i heard its not so i ask, how would i add slings to my weapon skins?

07-29-2004, 10:54 AM
well you need a modelling program like milkshape, easily you can take a sling from 1 weapon and hack it onto which ever weapons you want
but its harder to animate 1

07-29-2004, 11:50 AM

07-29-2004, 12:28 PM
K thanks, if i need more help i'll ask

07-29-2004, 01:26 PM
OMG FREAK IT!!!!!!! I SPEND 3 FREAKIN HOURS ON THAT CRAP AND ITS PISSING ME OFF!.......im confused and im RIGHT AT THE END omg...some words editor321 sayin on the hackjob thing werent understandable, sayin something like "Also take the texture qs_ak6.bmp and put it in c:/work/carbines so that the model will have it in the same dir, which it will need to compile.
And then something like "Now go and open the reference file for the carbine we want the sling on. Again, keep both of the boxes checked." THAT WAS THE MOST CONFUSING PART.....i got so lost there and i was like wtf..

Funny thing is its probly something so little lmfao and i just too dumb enough to understand, here go here and tell me what he is talkin about on this part, ur gonna have to scroll down and look for the words i typed above, thats where i got confused, basically I NEED HELP, LINK...http://editor321.telefragged.com/Tutorial/hacking/hack_jobbing_models_101.htm JUST So u know its close to end

08-03-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Rave
OMG FREAK IT!!!!!!! I SPEND 3 FREAKIN HOURS ON THAT CRAP AND ITS PISSING ME OFF!.......im confused and im RIGHT AT THE END omg...some words editor321 sayin on the hackjob thing werent understandable, sayin something like "Also take the texture qs_ak6.bmp and put it in c:/work/carbines so that the model will have it in the same dir, which it will need to compile.
And then something like "Now go and open the reference file for the carbine we want the sling on. Again, keep both of the boxes checked." THAT WAS THE MOST CONFUSING PART.....i got so lost there and i was like wtf..

Funny thing is its probly something so little lmfao and i just too dumb enough to understand, here go here and tell me what he is talkin about on this part, ur gonna have to scroll down and look for the words i typed above, thats where i got confused, basically I NEED HELP, LINK...http://editor321.telefragged.com/Tutorial/hacking/hack_jobbing_models_101.htm JUST So u know its close to end

i re-read the tutorial that i wrote myself to help understand what ur problem is. The qs_ak6.bmp needs to be in the directory of the carbine u want the sling on. and if you dont know what the "two boxes" are u didnt read some of my tut :p

hope this helps

if you need more help contact me

08-04-2004, 08:19 AM
That tutorial was unbelievably easy. I think its easy its just that i'm too lazy to do anything.

08-04-2004, 08:32 AM
Well editor, im still a lil confused, u got aim or msn or something so i can talk to ya

[AGM]# R0MM3L #
08-04-2004, 08:58 AM
I have also a problem

I'm here :

It’s the right one! Now goto your model tab, hit select, drag over the sling to select it, and hit Assign, which will assign what you have selected to that bone. Now all we need to do is move the sling into the place

When i move the slings, the sling extend itself :/

08-04-2004, 09:28 AM
rave@ MSN Messenger: thomasrogers207@hotmail.com

AIM: MrLuftWaffles

Rommel@ If ur extending the sling, then u didnt select all of it, make sure you either select it from the groups tab or hit the select button, and make sure u have either by groups or by faces

hope this helps, if not, contact me

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