Problem with default models
John Wolf
06-11-2004, 11:10 AM
I want to find the Day of defeat default models, to put gloves to the default Panzershrek for example, but i dont know where I can find them............
Anibody knows??
06-11-2004, 05:01 PM
All the files for DOD, or any game on steam (except for custom games) all located in a giant GCF file. You can use a GCF browser to extract what you need, or just ask around for someone else to do it.
06-11-2004, 07:36 PM
search for a program called GCFScape on google
06-11-2004, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by John Wolf
I want to find the Day of defeat default models, to put gloves to the default Panzershrek for example, but i dont know where I can find them............
Anibody knows??
komo le va?
Go here and do what it says once all is installed you can access all the dod files youll need for anything.
John Wolf
06-13-2004, 04:47 PM
Thanks everyone........
Hola ELcho!!! :D
Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by
Neil Jedrzejewski.
This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by
Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.