Play in League, but want to use custom stuff: How?

07-27-2004, 03:56 AM
I've been playing with purely default stuff for ages, probably going back to the 1.0 times....

However, I've now decided I want to use some of these fantastic custom models and skins that you fellas are coming up with, but I dont want to compromise my legit situation for League play.


First it easy enough to revert back to default player skins after installing custom items? How do you go about that?

Or, is there a way to have both custom and default skins installed on the one install of Steam/DoD, and switch between them?

Or, is there an easy way to do the above, by perhaps simply backing up my current default folders and then after installing custom skins, when I need to revert back, is it just a case of copying and pasting the default back up folders back in?

Lastly, n00bie question. If a custom skin I d/l isn't in the form of a self extracting .exe, where abouts do I put the newstuff?

*Everyone point at Loco and his complete lack of comprehension of MSA*

P.S......If someone writes a comprehensive step by step guide to whats involved here, they can have their very own Sticky. ;)

07-27-2004, 04:12 AM
All of the default everythings are contained within the game's GCF file. So, you install your custom stuff in the same way custom stuff was installed pre-DoD and when you want to revert to default just rename the "models" folder to something else, say...."custom_models".

Oh, and you install them to \Steam\SteamApps\email\day of defeat\dod\models

Jeez Loco, I didn't think you were that illiterate :)

07-27-2004, 04:33 AM

Yeah Rob, well, I never really got into the whole Custom in Steam thing......I'm from the old school C/Sierra/HL/DoD stock......!!!!

But cheers for the advice. I'll give it a whirl. :D

[AGM]# R0MM3L #
07-27-2004, 04:35 AM
Use the folder structure of dodec and copy your dod folder, one with skin, one with default, and simply switch the name "dod" and "dod_default", coz just the folder "dod" wil be take in count.

07-27-2004, 12:03 PM
All the default content is stored in the GCF files, so if you want to revert back to default, you need only remove the custom content from the dod folder. You could even rig up a few batch files that automatically rename the folders back and forth so you can switch between custom and default with a few clicks of the mouse.

Trp. Jed
07-27-2004, 01:16 PM
Repeat ad nauseum...

Yes, as stated above probably the quicket as easiest thing to do is just to rename your models folder to something else for the duration.

What leauge is it? I know BFE do allow some custom models and they have a list of "approved" ones.

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