Half-Life Model Viewer 1.2

Trp. Jed
06-16-2004, 02:57 PM
Another version...

This is a sort of hack from what bits I had left of HLMV v1.1 on my hard disk before it crashed so its a bit messy internally in places but seems to work. To be honest, if theres nothing in this version you really need I'd stick with 1.1.

Anyway, I wont be doing any more work on HLMV after this. I've got too many other things to do and before you ask, no, I wont give you the source code, simply because I dont want to.

That said and done, change list as as follows:

- Supports PS2 Half-Life DOL format model files.
- Exports UV Maps as BMP files.
- Playback of event sounds with the animations.
- Save View and Recall View options so you can save a camera position and snap back to it
- "Black Alpha" option to removed blue edges on some textures when viewing.
- Can use GUIStudioMDL as the compiler
- Fixed the erroneous Events viewer.
- Other stuff I cant remember.


- Jed

Rabid Whale
06-16-2004, 08:27 PM
What would we do without you Jed? :D Great program.

06-16-2004, 08:40 PM
I know you said not to ask for the source code but my case is different, just kidding.

I am lucky enough to get back in time to see your stuff while you were still doing it, I like 1.1 a lot and am thankful for the options you added to it.

one thing that striked me in your post was the "Black alpha". I saw this on the flags when exporting them. Is that purely a Jed option or is the new steam system allowing you to do black alpha chanels in other stuff (specificly tempdecal.wad)
I would love to be able to fade the edges on the sprays, for example, look at my signature, there is a "BillyNair" against a flame with green sunbursts, I would like to have the sunburst fade into what ever I spray and not just mask it black.
Is that doable in the new WADs?

still, thanks for the HLMV.

06-17-2004, 12:33 AM
Sweetness Jed. And I REALLY like the sound playback :), really adds a lot to the viewer.

Good job :D

06-17-2004, 03:44 AM
Cool job Jed, but I'm gonna have to ask you something that's unrelated in this since I can't PM you...? The button is missing. :confused:

Can you give me that link again from the lost OHNOES TEH SKY IS FALLING with the whine.mp3? That was halirious, and I'm gonna make something of it at ytmnd.com.

06-17-2004, 12:42 PM
Fantastic! Thanks! :D

06-17-2004, 02:35 PM

06-17-2004, 03:00 PM
Most handiest tool evar.

06-17-2004, 03:19 PM
<3 jed, n1

06-18-2004, 01:07 PM
Well done Jed.......:), HLMV is no longer a viewer, it's much more, i'm sure many will make good use of all those handy options and features, thanks mate.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.