Question about fonts

06-15-2004, 03:10 PM
Can anyone tell me what the name of each of these labeled font’s are in the .res files, as in where do I go in which res file to change these particular fonts.

Trp. Jed
06-16-2004, 02:14 AM
The scoreboard font is Default and is in ClientScheme.res
The others I believe are EngineFont and HudFont in TrackerScheme.res.

- Jed

06-16-2004, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Trp. Jed
The others I believe are EngineFont and HudFont in TrackerScheme.res.
Others, could you be more specific. There are 5 others.

Trp. Jed
06-17-2004, 06:11 AM
The others all share the same font, they are either enginefont or hudfont.

Trouble is they don't all follow the size exactly - in some cases you set a base font size and depending on your resolution it scales it. So Even if you set a font at 15pt it might come out at 17pt.

06-20-2004, 07:52 AM
Whats the chat text name, I want to edit that But have no idea wtf the name is

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