Blood sprite question
08-31-2004, 11:37 PM
I'm trying to create a blood sprite but the result is so-so.
I look for a tut about the subject but found none only on general sprite making.
Is there a specific tut on blood sprite :confused:
Here's pic of my experience.
Any help would be gladly appreciate.
Nota: i want to make it whit diff. colors
Black Lotus
08-31-2004, 11:41 PM
Make that black area color this
Blue 255
and the other two set at 0
Then its true blue.. thus transparent
08-31-2004, 11:49 PM
That's what i did :(
btw i'm using PSP7, i still have to discover this new toy :rolleyes:
Maybe my prob is with sprite wizard ?
09-01-2004, 02:54 AM
If I remember right off hand the last color in the pallete set it to be the transparent color, do not use that color in your bmp, jpg, whatever unless you want it to be transparent.
It does not have to be blue, it can be pink, yellow, red whatever, same thing applies to making transparency in models, set the pallete transparency in PSP7 save it as 256 8 bit color first, then set the transparency, if you set the pallete transparency in 16 million color mode then transfer to 8 bit it will change the color pallete.
then open sprite wizard, chose Alpha test, again if I remember right from the top of my head and save it as whatever.spr and all should be good
09-01-2004, 11:25 AM
I know for a fact that the blood sprite is supposed to be black and white. I've forgotten what type it is though and i'm too lazy to check :P. So just make sure that its not colored cause that can mess it up. My suggestion to you is that you look at the current sprites and then go from there. Just learn about them from the default. Thats what I did.
09-01-2004, 11:48 PM
I got it now.
Thank you for your help :)
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