Fixing Devin's or Splinter's Russians
06-23-2004, 08:01 PM
I tried to fix them. Followed tutorials. No avail. Is there somebody who can fix Devin's and/or Splinter's summer russian brit replacement player models to work properly? Right now their lags don't work, they just sort of slide along like a puppet.
I can't find them on the net again, but I have them on my HD. I can email.
Theres some russian pack coming out:
06-24-2004, 02:18 AM
This has to be a bug from 1.2. Sometimes, my custom Brits that I freshly installed would have their legs slide along. I am sure they're compatible with 1.1/1.2.
Ska Wars
06-24-2004, 03:16 AM
Try reinstalling your models. I had my blackwatch brits on my HD when i installed 1.2 and it seemed to have ****ed them up. I jus reinstalled the models and they work fine now.
06-24-2004, 09:19 AM
I tried to reinstall them several times, but something is still messed up. The american models seem to work though. I don't get it. Only the brit replacement models seem to be messed up.
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