Marzy Sleeve Help

05-30-2004, 10:50 PM
Is there any idea how to get my sleeve in-sync with the hand? There's also a funny bug with the British sleeve where the default sleeve and the Marzy sleeve are mushed together as one.

Any help? :(

05-31-2004, 05:58 AM
can you give us a better idea of what ur asking?

it sounds like you want to line up his sleeves to the default hands on some weapons.

One way u can do this is take a look at the bones on the whatever_sleeve.smd in Milkshape.


import both sleeve and hand smds, DONT MOVE THE HANDS, only the sleeves to meet where the hands are, making sure the sleeves are assigned to the right bone and everything, once they look good, delete the hands via group or by selecting the vertices. Group is easier, then export as the whatever_sleeve.smd you imported

Does that help?

as for that last part, sounds like it may be a part of the QC file line, or maybe a smd that has the sleeve in it other than the sleeve smds. U know my AIM handle, you can get a hold of me and il be glad to help you out :):)

05-31-2004, 10:23 AM
For the first bit:

Import the old arms, import the new arms without the skeleton, select each of the new arms and assign them to the arm bones, then move/rotate them so they fit over the old arms, then delete the old arms, and then export.

For the second bit:

Check the hand .smd and make sure it only has the hands. If it has the sleeves too thats your problem.

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