dead back please help me out

08-30-2004, 06:37 PM
hey i can up with a idea and i was messing around in wilkshap try to see if it would work but i cant figger out a way so i came here.


i was wundering how u make the dead body on its back or frount so its missing limbs and its all bloody with out see it all ingame when the guys isent dead. so is there a way of making the senced body that only the dead back, frount can read to only displayes it not the oringale body and the bloody body? only the hacked up body??

you guys know what i know im not real suir on how to word it that the best i can come up with lol.

please dont let this post die.


Black Lotus
08-31-2004, 04:50 AM
You mean when someone dies in game.. instead of the normal death positions. It displays one of those models? If so, then I don't think so. You'd have to have it compiled in the player model with that. but even then sounds impossible with current HL.

08-31-2004, 05:36 AM
ya thats what i mean so it cant bedone unless the dev team does it them selfs?

08-31-2004, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by swede
ya thats what i mean so it cant bedone unless the dev team does it them selfs? i don't think the hl engine supports this kind of thing. at least i don't think it does...anyway good idea. just wait for dod source, i'm sure it will be supported :D

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