Problem with this UV map!

08-29-2004, 06:02 PM
Hello people!
I've tried, but I don't seem to be able to edit the attached UV map following the tutorials I've found. Could anyone please HELP???!
I would be very grateful since I like very much the model pack this is in. I believe it's one of the best around except for that pain in the back! :)
It's a UV map of the Grenadier's and MG helmet. The pack is Flammenwerfer's (I think) 12ss. How the UV map ended up like that I can't imagine but in game it looks REAL bad.
As I said, any help much appreciated.

Thankyou very much.

Tom :)

08-29-2004, 06:24 PM
your best bet would probably be to use milkshape 3d [ ] , and use tools > krasto's half-life model decompiler.

then import the .smd with the model in into milkshape and save as a .ms3d

After this, download lithunwrap [ ] (if you havent got it) and open up the .ms3d in there and re uvmap the problem area (how, is a whole other story).

Then save as a .ms3d and then load it up in milkshape and export back to a .smd and recompile

hope that helped :)

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