Please help! Compiling model!

09-14-2004, 08:33 AM

I've just taken the v_m1carbine. Decompiled it.
Taken the kar98 scoped. Decompiled it.

Taken the scope from the kar98 and then imported to the v_m1carbine. It worked and stuff, but when compiling, with Jed's it goes on for a while and then the window closes, and no files have appeared to my folder! Why?

Here's what I was able to capture:*****.jpg
replace ***** with s h i t

and here are the files ive been using, containing:
smd's, textures

09-14-2004, 02:48 PM
You should always try running the compiler from the command prompt if the compiling fails. The window won't close so you'll be able to see the last line.


************ ERROR ************
usage: studiomdl [-t texture] -r(tag reversed) -n(tag bad normals) -f(flip all t
riangles) [-a normal_blend_angle] -h(dump hboxes) -i(ignore warnings) -p(force p
ower of 2 textures) [-g max_sequencegroup_size(K)] file.qc

D:\tmp\compile>\riston\halflife\models\studiomdl.exe v_m1carbine.qc
entering v_m1carbine.qc
grabbing .\/reference.smd
grabbing .\/us_sleeve.smd
grabbing .\/axis_sleeve.smd
grabbing .\/idle.smd
grabbing .\/reload.smd
grabbing .\/draw.smd
grabbing .\/shoot.smd
BMP skin7.bmp [128 255] (100%) 33408 bytes
BMP skin2.bmp [256 254] (99%) 65792 bytes
BMP skin1.bmp [256 256] (100%) 66304 bytes
BMP skin4_test.bmp [252 255] (98%) 65028 bytes
BMP hands.bmp [256 254] (99%) 65792 bytes
BMP us_sleeve.bmp [128 255] (100%) 33408 bytes
BMP axis_sleeve.bmp [256 126] (98%) 33024 bytes

************ ERROR ************
unknown attachment link 'Bone69

Your model doesn't have anything called "Bone69", yet you've specified an attachment point to that bone. Remove the attachment in the .qc (just add // in front of the lines):

//$attachment 0 "Bone69" 0.000000 -33.000000 -0.400000
//$attachment 1 "Bone69" 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

If you want bullet case ejection and muzzleflashes you have to fix the attachment points (try making them attached to bone67 and then adjust the positions if necessary).

porkkana :carrot:

edit: to make the blue spot transparent add

$texrendermode "skin4_test.bmp" "masked"

under the $body section in the .qc.

09-15-2004, 06:11 AM
Ooh, nice man!!
and you got a nice porkkana there :carrot:
Syo porkkanaa se kasvattaa modellaustaitoja ;P

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.