How do you make p_ and w_ from v_ models?
09-10-2004, 03:29 PM
How do you make p_ and w_ models from a v_ model?
I looked in tutorials that kind of talk about similar things, but never address this exactly.
09-10-2004, 04:50 PM
It's pretty simple, if the v model doesn't have it's unseen faces taken out (for the polycount's sake) than all you have to do to the model is DeFOV it (if it isn't already). Then just decompile the corresponding default's p or w model and import the "v" model and just scale it and position it just like the existing one. After that all you have to do is assign it's single bone.
If it does have faces missing, then you would have to mirror it's corresponding face (usually on the other side of the gun) and then snap the vertices with the err well kinda like a puzzle...snap the edges with the one that is where it is supposed to be...on the surrounding faces. This process usually takes a while, since models have a crap load of faces. If the model is missing parts that are different from the other side (like the metal part on the back of the stock) you would simply have to get it from another model
Hope this helps :PARROT:
09-10-2004, 06:17 PM
and dont forget to delete the hands and sleeves and the corresponding textures if they dont delete.
09-10-2004, 09:51 PM
cool, I think I get it, I will try it out.. ;)
09-16-2004, 01:07 PM
Bah, I still dont get it :D
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