OK...I may have missed it..if so, I'm sorry...

09-05-2004, 08:15 PM
I am a complete novice at the business of altering models or messing with any of this stuff.

The original idea, born of my perverse sense of humor after a conversation with a close friend who was telling me that the most unpleasant miltary experience he ever had was serving under UN command, was to take the US-inf model and paint the helmet blue and write "UN" on it. It's just a goofy joke, but it seemed like fun at the time. I run a server and I figured, "No problem. I've seen altered skins and models before. I'll just wing it." So I did.

IK grabbed the us-inf.mdl file from the server. I downloaded a whole mess of HL-related tools for mangling models and such, and found Jed's Model Viewer amongst them. I figured out (still without reading a lick of documentation) that the model consisted of a whole bunch of BMP texture files and mess with the model. I succeeded in making a blue helmet, imported the BMP file, and voila! The model viewer shows the poor bugger with a blue helmet and "UN" written on it, clear as day.

So I thought I was home free. I uploaded the file onto the server (saving the original), even restarted the service (I use Firedaemon to make this a service...very nice...one of the best $25 I ever spent), and connected, expecting to see US GI's with blue helmets (I have bots). No go.

I dug further. I found a helmet_us.mdl file. I adulterated that, too.

Now, I must have missed something. I apologize if this is already covered in a FAQ - I read them but may have missed something. I don't get the connection between the model on the server and the client. I am unable to locate a corresponding file on my PC for either helmet_us.mdl or us-inf.mdl.

So I have two questions:

1) What'd I miss? I want to make EVERYONE see these blue helmet guys. Maybe later I'll make them pink.

2) I was reading the legal stuff. Does this constitute violation? I am not trying to take credit, per se. I just set out to play a joke, and as is often the case, found that I had to go learn something new first.

Thanks very much for your patience...

Iron Sights (v1.3) FF=ON
Iron Sights (v3.1)

(Yes, I still run a 3.1 server, though the bots won't work with Steam, but I still get the occasional player load and I like it.)

09-05-2004, 08:26 PM
Firstly, did you remember to save the model after you changed the textures? As far as I know player models are strictly client-side, so barring the use of some amx plugin or something, I don't think it's possible.

Ska Wars
09-05-2004, 08:27 PM
Right. First off...

Sounds like you didn't put your new model in the correct folder. Overwrite you old model with the new one by putting your Un inf model into the US_inf folder (which should be found in model/players/US_inf. If it aint there, make it).

As for the helmet model, this is the model you see when you shoot off someones head gear and it falls to the floor. This is not the helmet worn on the player models.

As for everyone else seeing it, this wont happen unless they too have the same UN model.

Hope that helped, if it dint give us a PM and i'll try and guide you through it a little clearer.

*edit - what trigger said :p

09-05-2004, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Trigger
Firstly, did you remember to save the model after you changed the textures? As far as I know player models are strictly client-side, so barring the use of some amx plugin or something, I don't think it's possible.

Yes, I did save the model. I verified that by closing out and re-opening with the model viewer.

Maybe I need to force a download. I dunno.


09-05-2004, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Ska_Wars
Right. First off...

Sounds like you didn't put your new model in the correct folder. Overwrite you old model with the new one by putting your Un inf model into the US_inf folder (which should be found in model/players/US_inf. If it aint there, make it).

As for the helmet model, this is the model you see when you shoot off someones head gear and it falls to the floor. This is not the helmet worn on the player models.

As for everyone else seeing it, this wont happen unless they too have the same UN model.

Hope that helped, if it dint give us a PM and i'll try and guide you through it a little clearer.

*edit - what trigger said :p

It's in the right spot now. I had it in the wrong place on my client-side. Now I see UN helmets, but I would like to force everyone to see them.

Do I need to save that file as,say, UN-inf.MDL, and then force a download with a listing in the .res files? If so, how do I force clients to use that when connected to my server? I don't want to replace it so that they see that on EVERY server they connect to. That'd be rude.


09-05-2004, 08:42 PM
The models on your pc are in the gcf file on your harddrive, create the same folders in your own files to see the new blue helmet, clients will not see this helmet, only you.

Trp. Jed
09-06-2004, 12:09 AM
You can't force other players to see the same models or force them to download them. Renaming them makes no difference as unlike CS, you can't set the player model in DoD - even using AMX or AMXX with Metamod.

Custom models are strictly clientside only and the player has to willingly download and install it.

Also be aware that a bright blue helmet on a player model may be considered a cheat by many as it improves your chances of spotting them.

09-06-2004, 08:05 AM
Ah, well. It was an entertaining joke at any rate.


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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.