is this posable? if so (VERY COOL)
07-21-2004, 04:41 PM
hey i dont know if this is posable but can u make it so u have a p_thompson(for exsample) but when he switches to some thing else like the colt 45 or knife can u make it so the weapon bet put over his shoulder and when u see him run bye with the colt out u see the thompson sling over on his sholder?
(DO you know what i mean?)
07-21-2004, 04:46 PM
i don't think it's possible since there is no "draw" animation, it just switches between let's say "stand_tommy_idle" to "stand_pistol_idle", no inbetween
07-21-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by swede
(DO you know what i mean?)
Yes. But it is impossible (or let's, i don't think there is a way to do it)
07-21-2004, 05:52 PM
it is possible but i think it has to be coded, take a look at the mod "Pirates Vikings and Knights" for HL when you switch weapons in that mod you put your other weapon on your back or the belt on your hip etc.
07-21-2004, 09:32 PM
THis can never be done in halflife for two reasons,1 its not coded in.
2 other games that have it must have say a diffrent weapon per class.
because ALL the allies use the colt "not mgcolt,tommy colt bar colt garand colt"
its almost impossible to make one weapon be seen while you have your colt out.
For istance,say you want a tommygun to be shown while your a staff sargent,you would need to have a DIFFRENT colt45 model being held..THEN someone could just make a 3d weapon hanging off of the soldier body.
this cant be done in dod as of right now,because whatever weapon is in with the colt,will be seen on al units who have the colt.
but the day the dod team makes p_colt1 p_colt2 p_colt3 p_colt4 is the day im one happy boy!
THEN and only then would it be possible,and in all reality..wouldnt be that hard to do..and would add just a little bit more to realism.
Anavel Gato
07-21-2004, 09:45 PM
yea not to mention if you grab another guys main weapon and all that other junk.......
/falls out of the chair
07-22-2004, 12:35 PM
lol bad karma youre talking out your ass... i think all you have to do is add the model to the player model then add a sequence.smd animation thinger... thats what they did with pirates vikings and knights mod... when you switch from say an axe to a throwing axe the larger axe goes on the models back and the throwing axe goes into his hand.... it has nothing to do with p_models because the models are already on the player model.... kind of like the dod player models are 1 model but seperate bodies, gear, helmets, heads, and hair.
go here ( download the HL mod and look at the player models .
07-22-2004, 04:06 PM
Oh you want to have weapons selected to be show 24/7
yeah have fun with that man,but dont come cryin' to me when your runing a solid 5 fps cause your about 70,000 polys over halflifes limit.
there is a reason why the dev team didnt do that with dod.
if every player could still see a weapon while the soldier had there side arm out,then you have to + the polys on the sidearm model..with the player..and his main weapon. "and grenades"
alls im sayin' is it will make games run bad.
But heck,have fun tryin' it get it to work with multiple underline models in one .mdl UNLIKE what pvk has,GOOD LUCK!.
OOH,also i think thats why pvk was able to do it,on the player models it calls for the same function per player no mater what class "back is heavy weapons,side are side arms..then a weapon in the hands.
so when the player has v_axe out it looks on his player model to have it bring out p_axe,maby.
theres ALOT of ways to work this,some with code..some with multi model tricks,others with assigning weapon points to a models animations.
07-23-2004, 08:05 PM
Another mod was working on that also, forget which. Was a modern combat one.
I doubt in DoD it can be done like BadKarma mentioned, but not to the degree of "can NEVER be done in HL".
07-24-2004, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by BaDkaRmA158Th
cause your about 70,000 polys over halflifes limit.
It'd crash :p
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