[Mreq] Jagd tank with commanders?

Sly Assassin
05-20-2003, 02:45 AM
Hey all I just had this idea about one mintue ago while playing on Jagd and wondered if one of the skinners and animators out there would be able to do this as I think I'd be a great addition to a great map and a worthy challenge of your skills. Also cause I know nothing about modelling and so on.

Heres the idea:

The two British tanks by themselves look great as they're nicely detailed and all, but I was thinking wouldn't it be great to have commanders hanging out the top and have them doing animations aswell? Like looking around and using their microphone and headphones etc. And is it also possible for once they've been blown up to have the commanders hanging out of the hatchs dead aswell?

Is this possible and would someone like to do this for me?

Thanks alot


Captain Higgins
05-20-2003, 02:46 AM
Maybe have the turrets movie slightly back and forth.

Ska Wars
05-20-2003, 03:07 AM
Look at my thread entitlted "[MWIP]Caen tank hackjob".

Once that is done I'm going to make a British version for Jagd.


Sly Assassin
05-20-2003, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by Ska_Wars
Look at my thread entitlted "[MWIP]Caen tank hackjob".

Once that is done I'm going to make a British version for Jagd.


Yer I've been keeping an eye on that thread also.

Would you be interested in doing my idea for the animated commanders? after your Caen work has been completed of course.

Ska Wars
05-20-2003, 03:17 AM
Definately. I'm British myself so I was going to make a Jadg version after Caen. I can't animate for **** but we've jus got an animator over at www.dodsupply.co.uk (http://www.dodsupply.co.uk) (The team I model for) so he might be able to do it. I like the idea of having him radio in every so often and that.

I'll see what i can do once I've finished the tiger on Caen.


Sly Assassin
05-20-2003, 03:21 AM
Cheers boss, wish I knew someone over here in New Zealand to teach me how to model and so on, I'm useless at picking stuff up by myself :(

05-20-2003, 03:49 AM
Animated commanders would totally rock. I'm betting you could combine many already existing animations as well in order to make a nice one. You could use some hand signal animations along with some idle animations, hell you could use some anims from 3.1, too. Maybe have him duck every so often so to give the appearance of him going into the tank.

Good lord that sounds like fun to do, if I wasn't bogged down on RL stuff I'd be totally into this. Thinking of all the possibilities you could do almost just makes me want to blow all this RL stuff off, lol. Anyways, in about a week or so my life should have calmed down some, if it's not done by then I'll make something awesome.

Ska Wars
05-20-2003, 03:52 AM
I could try and rip some of the animations from the old para_karastoff (I think thats how you spell it) when you see the Axis FJs on the tank.


05-20-2003, 04:52 AM
Sounds a great idea, it would of made a great start to a cut scene aswell, which reminds me i've not seen a cut scene in the latist dod, shame i thought they use to add a bit more atmosphere to the game.

Ska Wars
05-20-2003, 04:53 AM
Yeah. the cutscenes were cool. I loved the one for glider.

Once I finish the Caen tank (whic hshould be done by the end of the week fingers crossed) I'll start on the British tanks. I might even do the US jeep too if i get time.


Colonel Forbin
05-20-2003, 04:21 PM
Sounds awesome, but you'd have to make an awesome animation for when the tank blows up.

05-20-2003, 04:41 PM
Sounds good Ska, Be looking forward to test it :P

Poopy Butt
05-20-2003, 05:45 PM
There's a tank in Caen?

05-20-2003, 05:52 PM
Have you even played Caen? lol

Devin Kryss
05-20-2003, 06:48 PM
Ive been way ahead of you Sly. I posted this very idea in Ska's thread, herews what I've gotten so far.


Sly Assassin
05-20-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Devin Kryss
Ive been way ahead of you Sly. I posted this very idea in Ska's thread, herews what I've gotten so far.


SWEEET looks nice boss, are you going to attack the Jagd tanks at all?

Sly Assassin
05-21-2003, 05:43 AM
ATTN Devin, Ska ;)

Heres some more ideas on the Jagd Tanks commanders I've had and stolen from other people :p

Theres a thread in Suggestions about the tanks on Jagd and someone mentioned the tank commanders firing back at the tank hunters, some sort of animation for that would be kewl and sounds, only thing is they won't be able to hurt you but would still look kewl.

Maybe have the tank commander standing on the 'deck' of the tank doing something, even though its a battle area sometimes they needed to get out and do something.

Moving turret maybe?

Um yer just those for now ;)

Ska Wars
05-21-2003, 08:44 AM
How do.

The Caen tank is pretty much done and dusted. It should be out tomorrow (as long as i can find some headphones tonight) or Friday at the latest.

As soon as its released I'll start making a Jagd tank. Hopefully I should have some pics for you by Friday night GMT.


Sly Assassin
05-21-2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by Ska_Wars
How do.

The Caen tank is pretty much done and dusted. It should be out tomorrow (as long as i can find some headphones tonight) or Friday at the latest.

As soon as its released I'll start making a Jagd tank. Hopefully I should have some pics for you by Friday night GMT.


Sweet cheers buddy :D

Wish I knew how to model so I could do it myself :D

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