PhotoShop argh!
Ok all, just recently got Adobe photoShop and havent got the fogiest how to use it :/.. i exported a skin with HL model viewer so it's a .bmp.. but when i try to use this burn etc etc things its comes up with an error saying i need to convert it a RGB colour mode.. Im confused :confused:
So wondered if someone could give meh an answer please :) and maybe a few tips on how to use it.. Cheers :D
I've tried changing the file type to .jpg, .giff etc etc, but it still dont seem to wanna work..
05-21-2003, 02:45 PM
HERE you go dude
go to: image -> mode -> rgb colors
and if you want to save go to image -> mode -> indexed colors :) (256 colors) and save as a bmp
Ah right cheers m8, Thx alot :D
05-22-2003, 04:07 AM
You know, Photoshop comes with a pretty darn good manual... at least mine did.
If yours didn't come with a manual, you should return it. If you can't return it, then stop asking people for help in your pirating efforts.
not everyone wants to dish out hundreds of dollars for ps. if you dont wanna help just dont post.
05-22-2003, 09:37 AM
Photoshop makes my head hurt. I use paint shop pro. :D
05-22-2003, 09:54 AM
Photoshop is one of the finest pieces of software ever produced.
And yes i actually Bought it, and the upgrade too :)
yeah like i bought it it costs a small fortune i got my copy from kazza thanks kazza
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