[MWIP] Thundershield

05-20-2003, 04:13 AM
I sat there watching the river, almost certain I had seen something move down there........I squinted hard against the dense greenery until I was almost blind.....a fellow soldier urged me to move on.......before I decided to leave, I caught a muzzle flash at 12 o'clock and I was dead.

"think I made them a little to green."

This is the first draft of my first skins. Ever. Seeing as just putting my clan's insignia all over them wasn't enough for me I took the road of originality (sorta). So for hours I sat their lightening and darkening and yada yada yada here it is.

As this is my first skin, I would VERY much like feedback and plenty of it. If its criticism, please make it constructive criticism.

thank you for your time, here are the skreens.

the first draft of thundershield models -- click here (http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/lotsapics.jpg )

HLMV pics (http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/sebn.jpg )

If you have direct and helpful information, I would appreciate rather than a post an e-mail. MobileOrgans@yahoo.com

05-20-2003, 04:16 AM
Very nice, I like the quote in your sig also.

05-20-2003, 12:42 PM
added hlmv pics...perhaps give you a better idea of what this model is like.

The Cheat
05-20-2003, 01:19 PM
geined that's a song isn't it? or im just a ******* but it sounds like deicide or some real black metal band. Yea.

05-20-2003, 01:26 PM
Yeah sir! Good job man, I will be using these so I can identifiy us all, Will you put these up on the site as a clan pack thing? Anyways I love em.


Private in the Thunder Shield clan, M1/Tommy man :)

05-20-2003, 01:28 PM
I hopefully will. Theres more I want to do with them, like, for instance get rid of the ****ty textures.

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