[WIP] 12th SS Edition V1

05-14-2003, 11:43 PM
For the past 3 days I have been working on a 12th SS pack to represent the 12th SS in the battle of caen in june 1944. With the new compiler I have learned what we can do with the sub models.

The pack will include each player class having its own unique loadout/camouflage including its own battle uniform variation. 100% realistic insignias, equipment, battle dress. Everything up to how the pistol is worn and whether you can see the gas mask canister strap on the uniform or not if the soldier is carrying one will be realistic. The camouflage will come from real Waffen SS camouflage patterns. No two classes will be wearing the same pattern camouflage except for M44 Pea Dot and 1929 italian camo pants wich were both popular witht he 12th SS. I am going to try to make the faces look between the ages of 18-25 and maybe a bit older to accurately represent the age of the 12th SS division. 2 classes will be wearing jack boots, 3 will be wearing M42 ankle boots with gaiter and one class will be wearing M42 ankle boots without gaiters. I have edited the leg models so they accurately represent m42 ankle boots with gaiters. I have also collected many pictures of the 12th SS for accurate modelling.

I have also figured out how to add a different helmet and hat texture to each model. The only drawback to this is that when this is done helmets can not be seen flying off. Therefor I will be releasing a version with different helmet/and hat textures which will not fly off and a version with same hat/helmet textures that will fly off.

I am 98% done with editing the models now I got to start fixing the textures. Here are some screenshots I took, please remember I haven't even started on updating the textures along with adding the new camo so you are only going to see 3 different pieces of camo (note the pea dot camo is vandoris i will be requesting permission from him to add to the pack):


And here is what the MG is going to look like accurately wearing the italian 1929 spring camo boiler suit.


Toejam Football
05-14-2003, 11:45 PM
looks nice, the first two pics are to dark though, and the last two dont work for me :(

05-15-2003, 12:07 AM
omg, those are amazing! great work. When the is a mreal, it NEEDS no be a sticky.

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