[mrel] -=JAJA Tommy=-
05-19-2003, 01:04 PM
the JAJA tommy has been updated for 1.0 to hold you over until the full v_model pack is done :)
included are different wood and body metal textures. switch as swap as you please.
model: JAJAHU
skins: ajjer62nd
DOWNLOAD ME PLEASE (http://home.att.net/~jajahu/JAJA_tommy.zip)
2.86 MB
[edit]: zip updated with ripa's higher poly fingertips
i couldnt get marksmans sleeves to be positioned correctly so i left the default sleeves on there.
Dances w Wolves
05-19-2003, 01:10 PM
brilliant good job man!
Ska Wars
05-19-2003, 01:18 PM
Bugger now I dont know whether to use Dillingers Cool Tommy or yours lol
Looks bloody good, dowloading it now.
that is the most beautiful thing ive ever seen
mm nice man :D very nice :)
Might you have one in a shouldered view flavor? I much prefer that, but hey, beggers can't be choosers. Great work though!
05-19-2003, 01:42 PM
no i dont, sorry bro.
Russ. Conscript
05-19-2003, 01:42 PM
best thompson ever.(at least i think so :D) loved it in 3.0 and i love it now. GJ
05-19-2003, 04:14 PM
[edit]: zip updated with ripa's higher poly fingertips
05-19-2003, 04:52 PM
does the bolt move when firing like in 1.0???
Nice work, JAJA!!
/me uses!
... the JAJA tommy has been updated for 1.0... (look at first post) ;)
Corporal Rossi
05-19-2003, 06:31 PM
I smell a wood reskin coming up........
(good Work man!)
05-19-2003, 06:34 PM
sweet im using
05-19-2003, 06:42 PM
Very nice.....
Using :)
Plastic Fantastic Lover
05-19-2003, 07:25 PM
Die Schlampfe
05-19-2003, 07:38 PM
Nice work JAJAHU, but the foregrip seems a bit large or long, and it really detracts from an otherwise great model. This is just my opinion and it could be historically accurate, however I still feel if the foregrip were de-lengthened it'd be an awesome model.
05-19-2003, 08:01 PM
i sized the model to match the 1.0 model.
05-19-2003, 08:02 PM
Complements of the DoD EC...
Click on Newest Additions (http://dodec.dodstudios.net)
05-19-2003, 08:11 PM
thank you sir :)
Die Schlampfe
05-19-2003, 08:42 PM
Well like I say, you did a great job, its just a peeve of mine that it looks kinda weird to me, not bashing your work or anything man.
It looks so odd now, compared to the proportions of the new weapon models.
05-19-2003, 10:52 PM
it is proportioned to the new models..
bettar than teh default one. gj.
Doc Orange
05-20-2003, 07:28 AM
nice i'll use
05-20-2003, 07:59 AM
i was waiting for this. srry dod team, i like your new tommy but, i gave in ^^
fret not, im still using your kickass garand model and player models. Heck, everything brit is left alone too :D
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