Blue version of default x-hair
I've always liked using the blue replacement crosshairs that came with previous releases. Since blues werent included this time (though there is a, its for old versions) I decided to whip together one.
Attached is my blue version of 1.0 default cross hair, enjoy.
05-03-2003, 12:49 AM
I swore I saw one in my sprites folder (and no I didn't install 1.0 into my 3.1).
I'll confirm it when I get home.
theres a dodcross.BLUE.spr (or whatever it was normally called) but its the old one and when you use it, you basically get no xhair at all. (this threw me off too, it was the first thing i tried to do after getting my controls straightened out)
05-03-2003, 02:30 AM
Yes you are correct, sorry for doubting. I just got home and checked the SPR in Sprview.
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