Call To Arms!!!! Los Los Los !!!
05-02-2003, 08:18 PM
Ok we have a lot of work to do people, so let's delegate the labor!
First order of buisiness is done, flags are replaced GG on that and I see 3rd Id skins GG!
We need:
#1 All Default models shoulder origined
#2 New Axis Skins w/ correct markings ASAP!
#3 (I am releasing Deathscreams in sounds tonight)
#4 Colt & Luger repositioned with two hands, see attached Screenies (someone do that very colt, ask if you need the models)
#5 Green Camo Axis Skns CrazyCanuck did a nice skin we can use
#6 3.1 Default Thomson converted to 1.0 and shouldered!
#7 German Sniper Scope, needs to be thinned (you know the cross where you aim, about 1/3 that width will work
Ok pick your task and GO GO GO!!!!
Let's get this **** done tonight! I am working on the sounds overhaul at the moment, shell tinks, hits and screams etc.. so someone do the re-origin and use the 3.1 thompson plz.
ok pick oyur task so we are not duplicating the work!!!
05-02-2003, 08:20 PM
The colt to use: Best one evah!
Jack Handey
05-02-2003, 08:20 PM
Also have a 3.1 Thompson with the 3.1 default orgins please, not everyone likes shoulder origins :p
I already started working on the Shoulder View Pack. I will put up some screenshots later tonight.
- Charizard
05-02-2003, 08:36 PM
You forgot one:
#8: Remove the tanker jacket on the Allied sleeves
Corporal Rossi
05-02-2003, 08:54 PM
make marksman's mp40 and stick nade
nomads garand
swastika flags
new axis and british win sounds
brit paras
05-02-2003, 08:59 PM
DP released a much better win sound.
Also, release a font pack with the old white text.
The Cheat
05-02-2003, 09:05 PM
You do realize that all 3.1 models except for player, garand, and bar work with 1.0, right? Keep your stuff, so that you don't have to ask the community for new crap. The only new thing i have is a crosshair because i backed up my dod folder and copy pasted. So yea.
almost all the guns have new anims, not jsut the garand and bar.
05-02-2003, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by 2ltben
Also, release a font pack with the old white text.
Open your console and type in: con_color "255 255 255"
It will change the text color to white.
I've got scope replacments.
05-02-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Berquist
Open your console and type in: con_color "255 255 255"
It will change the text color to white.
So you don't always put that into console every time you enter a game. Put it into the autoexec.cfg file in you dod file.
05-02-2003, 10:45 PM
Due to the high demand, I think the conversion of nomad's garand should be put on the list.
I'm using a 3.1 garand now and it works just fine with 1.0 what gives?
Edit: ok what I meant to say was that my model looks fine but there is no buttstock hit, it was a brainfart, sorry
im glad to see you organized something like this tekkobra. Keep up the good work. I can do hackjobs and such, and converting so just ask if you have a sutable job for meh.
05-03-2003, 12:18 AM
I am working on sounds right now fellas... Will do models later, sounds are how I win teh game!
Devin Kryss
05-03-2003, 02:34 AM
Well, no one can do any players without a new compiler.
05-03-2003, 03:06 AM
I've got the Axis set done! Pea Dot camo anyone?
82nd Airborne w/ green fatigues for those of you tired of the 101st. (Screen coming soon)
Possible addition of Brit set with them in the denison camo pattern I've got here.
New sounds are on the way, player, weapons, ambience, environment, you name it! Done soon.
05-03-2003, 05:52 AM
im a big fan of your shoulder origins charizard.. GOOD LUCK!
and those models are wicked nice vandori!
Jack Handey
05-03-2003, 09:27 AM
Vandori, have my love child.
can someone just put up a mirror of the old thomson?
05-03-2003, 10:01 AM
We desperately need new axis skins, Crazycanucks green camo, pea-dot...
Something... the defaults are too similar methinks...
Releasing more sounds overhauls tonight...
Get my deathscreams release in sounds, it pwnes... toned down from last.
05-03-2003, 02:11 PM
that colt with the different animations would be grate!!. with different arms
they are fugly IMO
EDIT: much love ~allstar~
05-03-2003, 06:02 PM
so charizard, how's the shoulder origins coming along? :)
05-03-2003, 06:05 PM
/me wants default axis skin with nazi insignas! please!
I finished the Shoulder View Pack earlier today. All I have to do is re - texture over the blue transparencies and then I will release. When the new compiler is released, I will re - add the transparencies. So, I might it have it ready and released tonight.
- Charizard
Pvt. Paradox
05-03-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by FUBAR434
I'm using a 3.1 garand now and it works just fine with 1.0 what gives?
05-03-2003, 08:23 PM
what are those blue things for anyway?
looking forward to your release charizard :)
anywhere there is blue on the skin, its transparent.
Originally posted by Tekkobra
[B]The colt to use: Best one evah!
That's the one I USE !!!!!!!!!
It really is special. I use it in V1.0 no problems.
05-04-2003, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Tekkobra
Ok we have a lot of work to do people, so let's delegate the labor!
We need:
#6 3.1 Default Thomson converted to 1.0 and shouldered!
I did the thompson, only not shouldered.
Go to the thread! (
05-04-2003, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Vandori
I've got the Axis set done! Pea Dot camo anyone?
Where is the download for this ???
Monkey Lib Front
05-04-2003, 09:21 AM
we need high quality w_models
05-04-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Robert Sandoval
That's the one I USE !!!!!!!!!
It really is special. I use it in V1.0 no problems.
What about the hands?
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