[REQ.] "T" Crosshair
05-05-2003, 10:32 PM
Hey guys,
I have a request from all you gurus. Is there any way to make a croshair that looks like the 1.0 X-hair but with just the top bar missing?
something like this:
I know it's the best I can do.
that could be a possibility, I'm gonna have to figure out the crosshair coding first.
=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-06-2003, 12:45 AM
Nope. Sorry. Unfortunately not possible. It's drawn in the sprite with one vertical line and one horizontal. The vertical line is used both under and over the dot center. Remove it, remove both, which is fine by me.
I really, really want the 3.1-style crosshairs to work again. At least make it an option!!!
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