[MREQ] Attention MaRzy!
Heinrich M
05-05-2003, 06:43 PM
MaRzy, you do some good work man. Can you convert these for use in 1.0 and post them? Or, I can host them. Pics are below(1st pic is Capture point flag, I believe), files are in the zip. Thanks!
Panzer Meyer
05-05-2003, 06:54 PM
That looks cool, if there was a flag like that with the 12th SS symbol. That would rock, haha.
05-05-2003, 08:08 PM
This can be done easily by anyone with any 256x256 flag texture, first downlad 256_FLAGS.ZIP (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/sonofroy/256_flags.zip)
Then using HLMV export your chosen texture from your old flag model and then import it into the new Flag.mdl.
If you have not got HLMV then use this link.
Hope this helps any prob's let us know.
Heinrich M
05-05-2003, 08:33 PM
Okay, thanks MaRzy, I'll try it.
Heinrich M
05-05-2003, 08:54 PM
Okay, thanks MaRzy, I'll try it.
Heinrich M
05-05-2003, 08:59 PM
Damn, I tried it, but got confused and can't figure it out. I'm a complete moron when it comes to this stuff. But I'll call my friend this week and ask him, he knows this stuff really well and should be able to talk me through it pretty quickly. I've saved models before in HLMV to replace a model, but I don't remember using Export and Import, but it was awhile ago so maybe I just simply forgot how I did it.
It's not that hard. When you've got HLMV, open up the flags.mdl file in your mapmodels directory. You're half way there already.
Click on the texture tab and find the axisflag one from the list. It should be the first one anyway. Now click the export button and save it.
Open up your paint program and repaint the old flag to look like the new flag.
When you're done that, save it and close the paint program and go back to HLMV. Import your repainted flag and save model.
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