05-04-2003, 02:00 AM
I've asked for this many many times.... team do not listen to me!! :(
-in the sound/weapons folder there is a sound called pinpull.
-the us and brit nade models DO NOT use that sound. Damn it's a line in the qc. can someone do this for me? PLEASE!
05-04-2003, 02:30 AM
Well, the pinpull sound is not there by default. Most custom grenades include a pinpull.wav so that's why it appears in many peoples' folders.
I'm personally too lazy to edit the .qc right now, if it can be done.
05-04-2003, 02:59 AM
yes...but why include a pinpull.wav if no model use it? :mad: grrrr
please someone do this! please DANZA!
05-04-2003, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by Ikujinonai
Well, the pinpull sound is not there by default. Most custom grenades include a pinpull.wav so that's why it appears in many peoples' folders.
Nope, the pinpull sound is indeed new and came with v1.0.
My take is this: The DoD team simply forgot to add the line in the .qcs for the pinpull for the US and British grenades.
Decompile either grenade, then look in the .qc for this:
$sequence "pinpull" "pinpull" fps 30
Then, add this to the line:
{ event 5004 9 "weapons/grenpinpull.wav" }
So, it'll look like this:
$sequence "pinpull" "pinpull" fps 30 { event 5004 9 "weapons/grenpinpull.wav" }
Got it?
Now the grenade will use the new pinpull sound, yay!
P.S.: Doc, is that you from the old forums?
P.P.S.: If anyone wants to host the edited grenades, I've got 'em, but they're very easy to do yourself.
05-04-2003, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Devearica
P.S.: Doc, is that you from the old forums?
P.P.S.: If anyone wants to host the edited grenades, I've got 'em, but they're very easy to do yourself.
Yes it's me...and I am VERY LAZYYYY... lool my problem is that I've lost the recompiler program... would you be so kind to send them by mail?
Thx Dev!
No, I think the dev team left it there for experimental use, thus if you add the line in the .qc file the sound will repeat itself over and over again before you throw the grenade.
05-04-2003, 10:53 AM
i think you have done something wrong...
Dev please mail me!!!! :)
05-04-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Devearica
Nope, the pinpull sound is indeed new and came with v1.0.
Oops, yeah, I noticed that last night after I posted. :)
I've lost all my decompiling things so I can't really do this.
05-04-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Ikujinonai
Oops, yeah, I noticed that last night after I posted. :)
I've lost all my decompiling things so I can't really do this.
yeah me2!
05-04-2003, 04:15 PM
It's sent! I would have done it before but I fell asleep. :p
Uh, but, I don't guys lost your tools? How? :confused:
05-04-2003, 05:29 PM
I started clean when I installed 1.0, only saving the default 3.1 stuff I had in another folder. I forgot my decompiling things, though, so that's why. :\
05-05-2003, 02:42 AM
I had to change HD because of a rainstorm over my house... HD and my TV.... burnt!
05-05-2003, 03:09 AM
Oh, damn, man. :eek:
Where do you live?
if you send me them ill host em - - :p
05-05-2003, 03:28 AM
"Fire in teh hole, watch out for your ass willy nilly!" - LMFAO Nice email :P
Click Me!!!!!!! ( :o
Enjoy - :p
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