[SREL] Bloody Spade
>> Pic<< (http://oli.eissler.bei.t-online.de/bloodspade.jpg)
Model: DoD-Team
Re-Skin: Der Landser
Mirror 1 (http://www.dfh-clanpage.de/DoD/bloodspadebyderlandser.zip)
Mirror 2 (http://www.uncivilization.ch/dod/skins/bloodspadebyDerLandser.zip)(Thx an Léggionaire!)
Any comments? ;)
Bloody well looks good, eh eh? You know what I mean?
Coulda used a smooshed eyeball though :D
05-05-2003, 02:52 PM
/me uses
Great job man.
05-05-2003, 02:55 PM
rofl, good job.
Originally posted by Wren
Bloody well looks good, eh eh? You know what I mean?
Na, sorry :rolleyes:
Hallo Landser!
Your spade looks great. Exactly what I've been searching for. It would be really nice you create a pack of spade, bayos and knifes with a bit blood on it. I am not sure how much work it is - but it really pays off!
Jeah, I´m working on it already! Release should be soon!
But first, here´s a update of my spade. I´ve tried to make a real-looking blank on it. But look:
Pic (http://www.dfh-clanpage.de/DoD/bloodspadev2.jpg)
Download! (http://www.dfh-clanpage.de/DoD/bloodspadev2.zip)
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