Xhair sorted but help please

05-05-2003, 03:24 PM
Hi all, ive been messing around with the cross hair sprite and a text file which I believe now changes the available area. (I am a noob at this but I hope the info below might help)

I found that in the file hud.txt in C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\dod\sprites, there are references to cross hair dimensions.
Below is the extract from the original file:

cross_style_1_mid 640 dodcross 0 24 24 24
cross_style_1_outer 640 dodcross 0 0 24 24
cross_style_2_horiz 640 dodcross 36 0 10 3
cross_style_2_vert 640 dodcross 24 0 3 10
cross_style_2_dot 640 dodcross 24 12 3 3

Ive changed a couple of the parameters and this allowed me to make wider horizontal cross hairs.
Below is my changed version:

cross_style_1_mid 640 dodcross 0 24 24 24
cross_style_1_outer 640 dodcross 0 0 24 24
cross_style_2_horiz 640 dodcross 36 0 9 9
cross_style_2_vert 640 dodcross 24 0 3 10
cross_style_2_dot 640 dodcross 24 12 3 3

**I only needed to make the horizontal line wider for my cross hair but editing the last 2 numbers
on cross_style_2_horiz and cross_style_2_vert you can alter the viewing area**

Here is a screen shot of the changes made:
This is my modded sprite:
BMP version of the sprite:
Copy of my hud.txt file:

This has sorted out what I needed but I wonder if anyone could help me with my sprite. I dont know how to convert it ,keep the correct colours and also have transparncy. At the moment Im using SprWiz.exe to convert with IndexAlpha so the crosshair comes out white but transparent.

Any help would be great

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