Some bad news

Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 09:42 AM
Ok i have discovered something very terrible about the new player models...

they are submodeled. this is bad because that means highpoly player models, or even player model replacements are going to be more difficult to make now. I WAS planning on making an SS set, with new boots and all that ****; but from what ive heard, submodels come with a polygon limit.

now i could do a reskin of them no problem, but that would mean i wouldent be able to do all the realistic equipment and clothing. like the short boots and all that good stuff.

this also means that the Ranger pack me and devin were going to make, will have to be postponed, due to the fact that making them means sticking 7 rangers all into one model.

of course there always is a way around these kinds of things. as if the MSA hasent done amazing things before. (I.E. moving mouths, disovery of muzzle flashes, etc,etc)

BTW, im working on new insignia for the axis models as i type. so expect some sort of release in the next day or so.

05-03-2003, 09:45 AM
that blows :mad:

HS The Whap
05-03-2003, 09:52 AM
That is EVIL.

Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 09:56 AM
ah damnit. i just found out something even worse. it looks like the body textures are submodelled too! wtf!? (err.. rather sub textured)

see i was going to put individual ranks and all, but now it looks like i cant even do that.... guess im reduced to just fixing the helmet and the collar. (to an SS collar) and mabey the camo, but thats not enough, i wanted to do an overhaul :mad:

damn these submodels...

Dances w Wolves
05-03-2003, 10:00 AM
i know it blows, also how do i reskin the guns with transparent parts? cus when i re-add the skins in, it shows up as blue not transparent

05-03-2003, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Russ. Conscript
.... guess im reduced to just fixing the helmet and the collar. (to an SS collar)...

You can't even do that unless you don't mind having the SS runes on both sides...

Hopefully they'll release the compiler soon and we'll figure out ways around the poly and texture limits.

Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 10:07 AM
are you sure you have the right color blue? i dunno, i havent tried this feature yet.

Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Scimitar
You can't even do that unless you don't mind having the SS runes on both sides...

Hopefully they'll release the compiler soon and we'll figure out ways around the poly and texture limits.

this is worse than i thought. reskins = cancelled :(

yeah i hope so too, its almost like they locked the models.

05-03-2003, 11:06 AM
Are they trying to kill the customization of their game?

Corporal Rossi
05-03-2003, 12:14 PM
Sure seems like it. I want those ****ty krauts gone(jesus I hate this nanny thingie) I want my ss back

Heinrich M
05-03-2003, 12:42 PM
Sheesh, it sounds like they are trying to prevent people from making custom models, which seems kind of silly. It seems a bit extreme to say that the individual person can't play the game like he wants to. Being able to put custom models into the game only makes people enjoy the game even more than they do now, and it's a great game, but why would they frown upon people trying to increase the enjoyment of the game for their individual selves? The custom stuff makes fans of DOD bigger fans than before, this is a good thing guys, not a bad thing, I don't get it..........

05-03-2003, 12:45 PM
They're not doing it on purpose, remember 3.0 when we had to wait for the compiler to make our models? It's the same thing, it's not that we're not going to get it, it's that we're not going to get it right off.

05-03-2003, 12:49 PM
is it possible to still use single models instead of sub?, mebe the game will read those as well. Kinda like pak files.

05-03-2003, 12:51 PM
I was thinking the same thing myself, but I'm not sure if the engine will read it without altering some code that'll make it impossible to play DoD in 1.0 servers:/

05-03-2003, 12:54 PM
wait, so no models a all can be compiled right now? thats good to hear cus i thought my tommy was just messed up or something.

on a side note, im actually a fan of the new axis skins :)

05-03-2003, 12:57 PM
The blue textures have to be the LAST color in the pallete for it to work, same rules as for masked textures in map textures.

As for the submodels, I haven't played much with em, but can't you simply use a different body for each gear model? But then I still haven't figured how the hell they've organized their submodels.

05-03-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by JAJAHU
wait, so no models a all can be compiled right now? thats good to hear cus i thought my tommy was just messed up or something.

on a side note, im actually a fan of the new axis skins :)
Yeah, they're prolly the best looking high-poly models I've seen so far, although the sniper looks like he just recoved from a nasty facefirst fall off the avalanche belltower:D The British models are the best DoD models so far, and I'm just annoyed with the tanker jackets on the US models, dogfaces did what they could to get them but they wern't issued them.

Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 01:06 PM
well the way the submodels go (as to my knowledge) is they have a model for each part of the body, that differs for each class. wich means they have different leg models for the axis, because some of them wear pants. and same goes for the head, since there are different head shapes, and textures. and also for equipment, and torsos: there are different models for those, considering the fact that some of them have camo jackets, or tank jackets, etc, etc.

now looking at that, the question comes up: "wouldent it be easy to just take for example: Devin kryss's SSv3 and chop them up according to the submodels?"

the answer to that is yes and no. yes, that would be very possible to do, but no because submodels have a polygon limit, and wont allow devins SS high poly body parts to compile.

but, of course that is my theory. there is a possibility that it WOULD compile, but im not completely sure of that, theres still that 50/50 chance it wont. im also pretty sure we'd need a whole new compiler for this problem as well.

and just for the record, i like the new axis models too, but i find them to be lacking in gear, and some of the proper footwear.(realism) and some other things id like to rearrange according to my liking. like the sniper with the hat, IMO he desperately needs a helmet.

05-03-2003, 01:18 PM
I have to second Cheeto's idea... It's something I was thinking about for some time with the old Paras... Since the models mostly seem to share a common body, and the heads/hands, and gear and such change for each class why isn't it possible to model the shared body as some part of the gear that doesn't change between classes, and each separate gear submodel as the whole player body... Or you could even create a single tiny triangle that would never be seen (it would be inside the model or something) for the shared body, and then again with the whole models for each subgrouping... Also wouldn't it just be a matter of editing the QC to reflect any new SMD's that would be needed to flesh out the model? Such as helmets, hats, ammobelts, etc...

This is all just an idea, as I really haven't delved too deeply into the model structures at this time... just decompiled a couple to poke around brielfy...

(I really wish my stupid sig would work... everytime I try to put in the IMG it doesn't do anything... It worked just fine in the old forums... )


05-03-2003, 01:20 PM
chill out the new models are fine i wouldnt want to replace them at all unless something outstanding comes out, besides it better this way the models take up less cpu and memory power

Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by onepairofpant
chill out the new models are fine i wouldnt want to replace them at all unless something outstanding comes out, besides it better this way the models take up less cpu and memory power

the whole point of this thread was to inform you that something outstanding eather wont come out at all, or take a long time to make.

and besides, some of us have have faster comp's and would like to use high rez, high poly stuff.

05-03-2003, 01:36 PM
I got your back Russ... LOL... Actually it's pointless to tell a "modeling community" to chill out over this new development... We enjoy creating new models and content... It's what we do... It's our reason for being... It's not that we don't appreciate what the Devs have done for us... We do.. very much so...

If you aren't a modeler then you really dont have any say in this...


05-03-2003, 01:37 PM
I say grab your bags of bloodied stones and download an IP tracker.

05-03-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Effexx
I got your back Russ... LOL... Actually it's pointless to tell a "modeling community" to chill out over this new development... We enjoy creating new models and content... It's what we do... It's our reason for being... It's not that we don't appreciate what the Devs have done for us... We do.. very much so...

If you aren't a modeler then you really dont have any say in this...

Isn't he the one making the SSv3 pack:p

Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by 2ltben
Isn't he the one making the SSv3 pack:p

nah that was devins work :rolleyes:
im the guy who made the Heer sets for 3.0 :D

BUT i was going to make a realistic SS set for 1.0, until i found about the submodelling/texturing. i just hope there is a way around this problem :confused:

05-03-2003, 01:54 PM
I'm just hating that everything has to be released as a pack. I liked to mix and match what I liked before. But now if I want to change one axis unit, I might have to change all of them.

I'm sure there are ways around this, and I can even think of a few. But it's all just added pain in the buttocks.

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