[SREQ]: Bloody weapons

05-06-2003, 10:32 AM
Hey everyone!

I installed a bloodpatch and got a bloody shovel which is really nice, so I would like to get more of this stuff :)

Basicly what I want is a reskin of the following weapons, only with a bit blood added like on the shovel on the pic (http://www.netzgrund.de/bilder/blutspaten.jpg) that I attached:

German: Karabiner98: Bayonet
British: Enfield: Bayonet

German: Paratrooper: Knife
American: Standard: Knife
British: Standard: Knife

It would be really nice if somone could add some blood, I think there are more ppl that might want it too. (Just remember to use everything standard, only to add blood on it)

Thank you in advance to everyone who wants to help! :)

05-06-2003, 02:13 PM
Hi Wodan!

Check out this thread: http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2494

I´ve skinned a new spade with blood on it. Post your comments. More to come...

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