High poly pack
Hi i posted this question in another "room" and they thinked i should post it here instead. So here it is, just cut out from the other "room"
Hi, this is my first thread here, i have been active dod player in 2 years now i think , and i am from sweden so please excuse me when i spell wrong, thanx.
I really would like a high poly pack to the weapons, will there be one? Is there any one else here that think that a high poly pack would be great?
// Leprazy
05-04-2003, 10:48 AM
there will probaly be no real pack, but for all weapons there will be a high poly in due time.
05-04-2003, 11:12 AM
I never've really seen a true hi-poly weapons pack, just mainly some hi-poly weapon models thrown together and released with player model conversions(like all those Brit packs and Toejam's Russian pack).
The Cheat
05-04-2003, 11:22 AM
except for the high poly weapon + highpoly sleeves/hands pack that came out a few weeks ago. Let's just ignore that huge one right there, with the greatest high poly models in the world in it. I'm sure the models will be updated, for your swedish killing pleasure. :)
Devin Kryss
05-04-2003, 11:28 AM
Me and NrvsYet are planning on making a pack. It'll feature all his awesome sounds, he'll be doing most of the weapon models, I'll be converting SS v3 and 3rdID sets to work with 1.0, as well as maybe some 101st airborne para skins, some new FJ, and I dunno what we should do about the British. But I can't do jack shizt until i get the new compiler, so I can compile a player model, and compile weapons with the see through holes. Until then, I cant do much.
Heres a teaser pic of the BAR I hacked this morning. Conversion to 1.0, skin recoloring, and model editing done by me, original remeshing of Ankalar's BAR and its 1024 x 1024 res texture was done by Ripa. P and W models soon to follow.
(This was an earlier picture. I have recolored the handle to match the darker wood color of the added carrying handle, as well as fixed some sliding mesh errors.
Devin Kryss
05-04-2003, 11:39 AM
Yay, new sig.
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