Swastika VGUI axis selest here
05-03-2003, 02:55 PM
Enjoy another one of my great NS custom release for DoD :p just extract it in your VGUI folder.
Oh yes, thank you brother, any reason why you didn't use the American flag?
05-03-2003, 03:13 PM
I dont care about the american class...im working hard to bring back the true WWII realism in the game :p
05-03-2003, 03:25 PM
Great Work! Like Rohm said, it would be nice if you could do some more variations.
Corporal Rossi
05-03-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by EinsatzKommando
I dont care about the american class...im working hard to bring back the true WWII realism in the game :p
Why the hell not? The Brits get their flag why don't I have my country's flag!? That has made me mad since 2.0 (Us flag not being default anymore)
(sorry man forgot to say good work, that little thought in my head has been boiling for awhile)
05-03-2003, 04:45 PM
Since everybody want american VGUI class...well...he's one for you ;) . The pic is inside the zip with the VGUI. Hope you'll like it
05-03-2003, 05:25 PM
god bless your swastika loving ass
Originally posted by Corporal Rossi
Why the hell not? The Brits get their flag why don't I have my country's flag!? That has made me mad since 2.0 (Us flag not being default anymore)
(sorry man forgot to say good work, that little thought in my head has been boiling for awhile)
you know... all allies weren't americans.
also in my opinion it was the Brits who won the war, coward American *******s!
Corporal Rossi
05-03-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Selbstmord
you know... all allies weren't americans.
also in my opinion it was the Brits who won the war, coward American *******s!
WHAT THE PISS! You sir are full of it, did you not notice that until the americans entered (1941) the krauts were beating the living hell out of the british?(Yes I know Rommel made a fool of us at Kasserine, but we were cocky, and it was our fault, which we soon refectified.) May I refer you to Dunkirk sir? Who ran there, did the americans ever retreat once, other than kasserine or perhaps bastonge? Also If the brits won it on their own, why didn't d-day happen until 1944? Why not 1941/2? And finally, why must people put one group over the other? They all worked together (cept for the french, who got their asses kicked I will not back down from that ever) although you cannot deny that the Americans turned the tide.
Corporal Rossi
05-03-2003, 06:09 PM
Oh and by the way Ein it looks great thanks so much!
Originally posted by Selbstmord
you know... all allies weren't americans.
also in my opinion it was the Brits who won the war, coward American *******s!
I give credit where it's due, you do not.
Originally posted by Corporal Rossi
Why the hell not? The Brits get their flag why don't I have my country's flag!? That has made me mad since 2.0 (Us flag not being default anymore)
I can understand using the American flag as a FLAG model, but for everything else, I think its a bit ridiculous. Its pretty common knowledge that American military anything is green with the white star on it. It seems only logical that you'd use that as all their icons in game....flag's different though.
Stay cool people. Flamefests get closed and people get banned over that crap. Don't let this get out of hand.
05-03-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Selbstmord
you know... all allies weren't americans.
also in my opinion it was the Brits who won the war, coward American *******s!
I don't usually get involved in these types of arguements but since this kind of talk crops up here every now and again I thought I'd refute it with some simple casualty figures from the World Book Encyclopedia:
Out of about 70 million people serving in the armed forces of the Allied and Axis nations about 17 million people lost their lives.
Among the major combatants for the Allies, these were the approximate totals:
Soviet Union - 7.5 million dead, 5 million wounded
China - 2.2 million killed, 1.762,000 wounded
United States - 405,399 dead, 671,278 wounded
Great Britain - 329,208 dead, 348,403 wounded
Poland - 320,000 dead, 530,000 wounded
France - 210,671 dead, 390,000 wounded
Canada - 37,476 dead, 53,174 wounded
Australia - 23,365 dead, 39,803 wounded
Belgium - 7,760 dead, 14,500 wounded
Among the major combatants for the Axis, these were the approximate totals:
Germany - 3.5 million dead, 7.25 million wounded
Japan - 1,219,000 dead, 295,247 wounded
Austria - 380,000 dead, 350,117 wounded
Romania - 300,000 dead, unknown number wounded
Hungary - 140,000 dead, 89,313 wounded
Finland - 82,000 dead, 50,000 wounded
Italy - 77,494 dead, 120,000 wounded
Bulgaria - 10,000 dead, 21,878 wounded
Draw your own conclusions from the numbers. A quick look however will confirm that the United States ranks 5 among all nations in number killed and ranks 3 among Allied nations in number killed. That doesn't sound cowardly to me.
- NazguL -
05-03-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Scimitar
Soviet Union - 7.5 million dead, 5 million wounded
Id like to correct you. For Soviet Union it was around 37.000.000 dead. And STILL a lot MIA.
I think ole' Stalin said it best
"The british paid for the war in time, the americans in material and the Russians in blood."
That is to say, we all paid for the war in some way, the russians with a more important thing I would say. But what do you want, the guy who said it was a russian.....
05-04-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by R. A. T.
Id like to correct you. For Soviet Union it was around 37.000.000 dead. And STILL a lot MIA.
Those aren't my numbers. They came from the World Book Encyclopedia. However I think your number also includes civilians. The World Book Encyclopedia numbers are for soldiers only.
05-04-2003, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by Corporal Rossi
WHAT THE PISS! You sir are full of it, did you not notice that until the americans entered (1941) the krauts were beating the living hell out of the british?(Yes I know Rommel made a fool of us at Kasserine, but we were cocky, and it was our fault, which we soon refectified.) May I refer you to Dunkirk sir? Who ran there, did the americans ever retreat once, other than kasserine or perhaps bastonge? Also If the brits won it on their own, why didn't d-day happen until 1944? Why not 1941/2? And finally, why must people put one group over the other? They all worked together (cept for the french, who got their asses kicked I will not back down from that ever) although you cannot deny that the Americans turned the tide.
You were in the war??!?!? :p
- NazguL -
05-04-2003, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by Scimitar
Those aren't my numbers. They came from the World Book Encyclopedia. However I think your number also includes civilians. The World Book Encyclopedia numbers are for soldiers only.
You are absolutly right. My numers includes civilians, resistance fighters (partizans etc.) and people that died not in action but because of the lack of food and medicine.
P.S. I was born and lived in Russia till 17yrs age. And my family lost two (father of my grandfather that killed in action in the battle for Berlin and grandmothers sister that died in a jewish concentration camp "Balanowka", as far as we know) during the WW2.
05-04-2003, 07:21 AM
Hey, EinsatzKommando, great VGUI stuff.... but, could u make the British one? it looks bland w/ the good German and U.S. and DoD British selection
05-04-2003, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Corporal Rossi
They all worked together (cept for the french, who got their asses kicked I will not back down from that ever) although you cannot deny that the Americans turned the tide.
You, Sir, should be a little more Gratefull to the French. If it wasn't for the French intervention in your War of Independence you would still be flyign the Union jack at all your highschools :p
Corporal Rossi
05-04-2003, 11:18 AM
Oh I totally think they helped us out a ton there, but why I dont like them (screw the current situation, I dont like bush and although i am no way anti war, I dont think we should be in Iraq, I think his dad screwed us over 10 years ago, when we could've had saddam, but thats a whole nother thread) I am extremely pissed that they think they do not owe the americans anything at all, we bailed them out in 2 wars, the second with them recieving help from britian as well (I am not familiar with their opinion towards britian, so I wont comment on that) Now you might say the first we did not, but if youll look, much like ww2 until we entered, the germans were pretty much on a roll, us entering gave them the men and materials needed to triumph over the centeral powers. Also, even since we owe them one, I think ww1 gadly repays the favor, meaning they still 'owe' for ww2.
As for the russians and chinese, I know we cant come anywhere near to matching those numbers, as those were on their home soil, meaning a lot of civilian blood was shed (also in the rape f nanking the japs did quite a bit of civilian killing there, and it was pretty sick what they did)
Guld Goa Bowman
05-04-2003, 11:25 AM
This is MSA, not Military History or RN... don't get this thread closed, it has some good stuff.
05-12-2003, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by EinsatzKommando
Enjoy another one of my great NS custom release for DoD :p just extract it in your VGUI folder.
I hadn't noticed this thread, but when you tried passing off more of my work as your own, I did a search and this came up. This is my work, and I don't appreciate other people taking credit for things I release.
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