You know what would make an awesome grenade model?

05-03-2003, 10:32 PM
The Grenade in the Original Half Life, but the High Definition Pack version. If anyone can get that model and replace the default one with that (maybe even make it a bit greener and add the yellow stripe near the fuze) I would be very, very appreciative, and I'm sure others would be too.

05-03-2003, 10:55 PM
I remember it being very very fat.

I'll stick with default :P

05-03-2003, 11:01 PM
Huh? It wasn't fat at all... it was perfect. Extremely high poly too, which is always good. I'm talking about the HIGH DEFINITION version, not the default half life one you are thinking of, but the one that was included in the High Definition pack that came with Blue Shift, ya know? I'll get a screenshot of it. The detail on it is exquisite.

05-03-2003, 11:08 PM
Here is a pic of a v_model and the P_model (i just threw one).

05-03-2003, 11:09 PM
Its ok

05-04-2003, 03:08 AM
Can someone PLEASE give it a shot? I'd do it myself if I even knew the first thing about modelling.

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-04-2003, 04:33 AM
The grenade I'd love to see is the one with the four pineapple grenades on the end of a potato-masher handle. Yank a string, it pulls the pins, heave the stick; voila. Instant four-grenade BOOM! You can see it one of those Fallschirmjager color plates people have been putting in their sigs lately.

05-04-2003, 03:54 PM

05-04-2003, 03:57 PM
give me the model and i will make it dod compatible!

05-04-2003, 04:30 PM
send me the model too, and I'll convert it...

05-04-2003, 04:35 PM
so do we need 2 people to make the same model? well i don't care. send me the model if you want.

05-05-2003, 02:01 PM

i want this model. and i will convert it for you.:)

05-13-2003, 08:32 PM
Alright I will get it soon this is just a bump

Corporal Rossi
05-14-2003, 04:40 AM
I just gotta say, make sure you take the pin out of it when its lying on the ground, cause when its on the ground (p_mdl I assume) it still got the pin in it.

05-14-2003, 04:49 AM
send or upload all files! p_grenade, w_grenade and v_grenade.

and yes i will "delete" the pin of the W_ model.

p: playermodel (models in the hands of your teammates and enemies.
w: worldmodel (a dropped weapon ie.)
v: weaponmodel (the weapon in your hands)

05-14-2003, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by Lifehost
Huh? It wasn't fat at all... it was perfect. Extremely high poly too, which is always good. I'm talking about the HIGH DEFINITION version, not the default half life one you are thinking of, but the one that was included in the High Definition pack that came with Blue Shift, ya know? I'll get a screenshot of it. The detail on it is exquisite.
where can i get this high definition pack ?

Arsenal Gear
05-14-2003, 05:14 AM
Originally posted by gabagoo
where can i get this high definition pack ? You have to buy Blue-Shift.

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