Old Thompson
05-03-2003, 06:17 PM
Does anyone still have the old model for the thompson, it looked a hell of a lot better than the new one.
05-03-2003, 06:25 PM
anyone agree with me
I think the new thompson is all right i would just prefer a darker more metalish skin on it.
The older one reloaded (well, the animations it had...) :mad:
You know, the 1.0 Tommy is the same model as the 3.1 Tommy, just use the same skin.. *hint hint*
Originally posted by Chris
The older one reloaded (well, the animations it had...) :mad:
you know that the 3.1 tommy had the wrong reload anims right? the 4.0 reload anims for the tommy are dead on.
Russ. Conscript
05-03-2003, 08:48 PM
they are? but for every game ive played, it has those animations on it. so that would mean MOH is wrong with its thompson reload too right?
im trying to think back to SPR, and i dont think i saw miller ever pull the bolt back... hmm..
i think its just weve gotten so used to the 3.0 way of things....
moh is wrong as well :D the only games who ahve it right so far(to my knowledge) are dod 1.0 and vietcong.
im trying to think back to SPR, and i dont think i saw miller ever pull the bolt back... hmm..
Don't believe everything you see in the movies, espesially in a movie like saving private ryan.
Originally posted by Selbstmord
You know, the 1.0 Tommy is the same model as the 3.1 Tommy, just use the same skin.. *hint hint*
I dont think so, go have another look :confused:
05-04-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by Mike[1stid]
you know that the 3.1 tommy had the wrong reload anims right? the 4.0 reload anims for the tommy are dead on.
You mean with a real Tommy, you just insert a new clip and that's it? All ready to shoot, no pulling of the bolt needed?
Is that the same for the Sten?
And from what I can see, the v1.0 Tommy is a new model, but uses the same meshes of the old one, thus, allowing you to use all older skins.
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