[MREQ]3.1 Thompson WITH 3.1 sleeves.

05-06-2003, 12:14 AM
Well, the new Thompson sucks in animations. You can't just put in a clip, it has too be cocked too. looks like they hired some counterstrike player too do the animations for the thompson if you ask me. Could someone do this ?

Remember - I'm not talking about the skin. And it has too have 1.0 sleeves.

05-06-2003, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Nemesis6
Well, the new Thompson sucks in animations. You can't just put in a clip, it has too be cocked too. looks like they hired some counterstrike player too do the animations for the thompson if you ask me. Could someone do this ?

Remember - I'm not talking about the skin. And it has too have 1.0 sleeves.

you just made a complete fool of yourself, a Thompson does NOT, I repeat does NOT require cocking after putting in a new clip, because if you do, you'll have 29 bullets ;)

If you're craving the 3.1 animations so much, be aware of my 1.0 Thompson with 3.1 animations (including the sub-modeled arms)

05-06-2003, 01:46 AM
LoL, I had no idea. It's just that most places I've seen a tommy, the cocking mechanism has been used. I guess it's a common mistake then... I'll check yours out

05-06-2003, 06:22 AM
Well, don't go after stuff like Saving Private Ryan, and you can guess why they removed it in 1.0

Everyone makes mistakes.

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