[MREQ] 3rd SS Totenkopf Skins?
Heinrich M
05-05-2003, 06:58 PM
Hey gang, was wondering if someone could re-skin the 1.0 default Axis to the 3rd SS Panzer-Totenkopf players? Not totally sure what kind of uniforms they had, but it would be cool to use them in game. There has already been some very cool re-skins for 1.0, so many to choose from!
05-05-2003, 08:52 PM
I could create another SS pack, but there is nothing you could really do to the texture that would distinguish it as 3rd SS. It would just look the same as any other SS division in 1944.
I am thikning Plain Tree Polyspot pants. Spring Plain Tree 4 or Spring Palm parka. Field Grey Tunic. And PeaDot or field grey pants for the second pair. Spring palm camo cover and spring plain tree 6 hat.
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