How does a person get a sleeve from a player model onto a v_model?
05-05-2003, 03:37 PM
Sometimes you'll see a a person have a skin for the first-person sleeves to go with thier player models. But, most of the time, people don't.
It's not really that hard to do, is it? :confused:
I'm hoping to get a trend started here, 'cause when you're playing, I think it rather hurts the whole deal if you've got a completely different colored sleeve than you're teammates, or, uh, "squad."
Anyone got an answer? :eek:
05-05-2003, 03:44 PM
there are only 3 different sleevemodels/skins. british, us and german sleeve. i don't think that this is possible. you could make a non tanker jacket sleeve for the garand for example but if i.e. a mg gunner takes a garand of the ground, he also has a normal sleeve.
05-05-2003, 04:08 PM
I'm thinking that the DoD team is gonna fix this in the future, because the Stosstruppe's sleeve was supposed to be short.
Anyway, all a person has to do is supply a sleeve from one of the player models in their set. It doesn't have to match the exact sleeve for that class you're using, just one of 'em.
05-05-2003, 04:12 PM
That would be rather tricky to pull off seeing as the v_ model arm textures are probably as big as the whole player model skins.
So you'd be looking at either a horribly stretched version of the player skin, or you'd have to recreate the skin from scratch. Not that it can't be done.
Sometimes though it'd be a simple recolor, so yeah.
05-05-2003, 04:20 PM
Is it a hard/long ( :rolleyes: ) process to make it from scratch? :confused:
05-05-2003, 04:27 PM
Not necessarily, using what the Dev team provided us with, you should have a pretty good base to work off of.
For something like Higgin's 3rd ID set, it would be a matter of recoloring the sleeves to match. Maybe get rid of the tanker jacket look. Which someone already did a couple days ago.
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