REQ: Scope sprite tutaorial.
Hail brothers and sisters, I am in need of a DETAILED sniper scope creation tutorial, there was a couple on the old boards but alas... Any help would be greatly apreciated and rewarded with my new sniper scopes.
Additional: I can create and edit my scopes but when I bring them into SPRWIZ and link the four panels they turn out opaque rather than transparent in-game. I have experimented with the options given, alphatest and otherwise but I am at a loss.
05-03-2003, 02:46 PM
There are 4 parts to the scope. Topleft, topright, bottomleft and bottom right.
You will need a paint program, Spritewiz, and spriteview.
First open a scope in spriteview, and choose the export sequence option.
You will have 4 bmps named 1 2 3 and 4.
Now open it in your paint program and edit it. DANZA likes to zoom in REALLY close, like 800% for scopes. Simply edit it using black paint for soild, and greys for transparents. if you are making a symetricical scope you can just mirror the first frame, and save it as 2, then flip and save as the next, then mirror and save as next.
you then gotta compile it in spritewiz. This is easy, just select 1-2-3-4 in order, and save it as greyscale sprite.
I can not get black, no matter what I do I get grey, transparent and white, wtf?!
05-03-2003, 03:50 PM
WHAT paint program are you using?
Photoshop, are there any others? lol
Are you going to tell me that I have to set the mode to greyscal b4 I edit?...............OK BYE
05-03-2003, 04:02 PM
WORKS fine for the DANZ.
Just paint with the color black.
Damn it all, I give up. /me runs away holding his head and screaming.
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