Q: Couple of Problems...

08-12-2004, 04:37 PM
I've read most the tutorials and stuff I need and my first map is going ok.

Having one or two problems though. First, what I assume is a compilation problem:

I have made some steep grassy areas. In hammer they look like this:

However after I've compiled the map, and loaded it it looks like this:

Also I used Mardy Mouse's tutorial: http://www.mardymouse.co.uk/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=6

But when I cap the map there is no sound still. I've set it up exactly the same...can't figure it out!

Finally is there a way to place path's and doors as a texuture only. I've had to make a path 1 unit high but if I could just put the path texture then that would reduce r_speeds? Correct?

I found the decal tool but you can't rotate or resize the things you place AFAIK.

Sly Assassin
08-12-2004, 07:31 PM
Ok for the missing part of you grass slope, is it possibly an entity ie a func_wall or is it just a normal brush? If its a func_wall then you may of changed it to additive accidently and need to change it back to normal

As for the path, just chop or divide the ground up so that you have your path even with the ground.

By this I mean make you path as a brush the same thickness as the ground and then make the non path area around the path.

I'm having a bad explaining day so this might be gibberish to you, writers block is kicking in >_<

08-13-2004, 04:13 AM
Originally posted by Sly Assassin
Ok for the missing part of you grass slope, is it possibly an entity ie a func_wall or is it just a normal brush? If its a func_wall then you may of changed it to additive accidently and need to change it back to normal

As for the path, just chop or divide the ground up so that you have your path even with the ground.

By this I mean make you path as a brush the same thickness as the ground and then make the non path area around the path.
Well...I did think of that brush idea but that means I'll need about 15 brushes when one will do. I'm not that bothered about the path stuff, but out efficiency I was wondering if there was another way.

As for the grass slope it's all normal brush work and if you look closely you can see that the brush on the right actually moves out rather than the other brush moving in. (In hammer neither brush touches the path. Not so in the map).

08-15-2004, 11:03 AM
While in Hammer check for problems (ctrl P I think). If it says invalid structure or something like that and it points to your slopes , than that is probably your problem.

08-15-2004, 04:05 PM
Hi Kid-A

If you have a problem with one of our tutorials then please post on our forums, I can sort your problem out a lot better there, thank you :D

08-15-2004, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by haircut
Hi Kid-A

If you have a problem with one of our tutorials then please post on our forums, I can sort your problem out a lot better there, thank you :D Oh I sorted that problem actually. Turns out I wasn't following the tut exactly.


08-17-2004, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Kid-A
Oh I sorted that problem actually. Turns out I wasn't following the tut exactly.

That's usually the case :D

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