MAP_MAX_MIPTEX (And other errors)

07-08-2004, 01:03 PM
I was working on one of my maps this morning and I encountered an error... I have no idea what caused it, or how to fix it. It has never happened to me before. Keep in mind that I only made a few changes today.. :(

I use hammers defult compile tools.
Here is a copy of the compile process window while trying to run the map while only running CSG and BSP:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Documents and Settings\Jordan\Desktop\Custom Maps\" "C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\dod\maps\"

** Executing...
** Command: C:\PROGRA~1\VALVEH~1\tools\qcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\dod\maps\dod_industrial_beta4"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
---- qcsg ----
entering C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\dod\maps\
CreateBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...Entity 11, Brush 3: plane with no normal
Entity 11, Brush 5: plane with no normal
Entity 11, Brush 7: plane with no normal
Entity 11, Brush 7: A 'func_wall_toggle' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (358, 718, 66)-(4131,2581,288)
Entity 11, Brush 7: A 'func_wall_toggle' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (341, 701, 30)-(4146,2597,324)
Entity 11, Brush 7: A 'func_wall_toggle' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (325, 685, 34)-(4162,2613,320)
Entity 11, Brush 7: A 'func_wall_toggle' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (341, 701, 48)-(4146,2597,306)
8...9...Entity 156, Brush 5: plane with no normal
Entity 156, Brush 5: plane with no normal
Entity 156, Brush 7: plane with no normal
Entity 162, Brush 7: plane with no normal
Entity 165, Brush 3: plane with no normal
CSGBrush: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (3)
Using WAD File: \sierra\counter-strike\dod\dod_caen.wad
Using WAD File: \sierra\counter-strike\dod\dod_forest.wad
Using WAD File: \sierra\counter-strike\dod\hlbasics.wad
Using WAD File: \sierra\counter-strike\dod\dod_flash.wad
Using WAD File: \sierra\counter-strike\dod\decals.wad
added 1 additional animating textures.

************ ERROR ************

** Executing...
** Command: C:\PROGRA~1\VALVEH~1\tools\qbsp2.exe
** Parameters: "C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\dod\maps\dod_industrial_beta4"

qbsp2.exe v2.2 (Dec 28 1998)
---- qbsp2 ----
WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(192,1333,64)-(896,2048,338)
WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(192,1333,64)-(896,2048,338)
WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(710,1333,192)-(838,1472,338)
WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(823,1333,192)-(838,1472,338)
WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(807,1333,192)-(823,1472,338)
WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(807,1333,192)-(823,1472,338)

^- That happens about 100+ times, I shortened it here to save you the time and pain of scrolling through it.

************ ERROR ************
ReadSurfs: 1419 > numtexinfo <- WHATS THIS?

** Executing...
** Command: C:\Sierra\COUNTE~1\cstrike.exe
** Parameters: -dev -console -game dod +map "dod_industrial_beta4"

So I have a few questions... :confused:

************ ERROR ************
ReadSurfs: 1419 > numtexinfo

What is that? ^
************ ERROR ************
Textures exceeded MAX_MAP_MIPTEX

Whats that? ^
Entity 11, Brush 7: A 'func_wall_toggle' @(0,0,0)
outside world(+/-4096): (341, 701, 48)-(4146,2597,306)
8...9...Entity 156, Brush 5: plane with no normal
Entity 156, Brush 5: plane with no normal

Why is is doing that? ^
WARNING: MakeNodePortal:new portal was clipped away from node@(192,1333,64)-(896,2048,338)

And what the hell is that? ^

Please.... Please... Please.... HELP ME! :(

07-09-2004, 12:33 AM
Read the forum stickies and download Zoner's tools. You have other errors, but please do this first.

07-10-2004, 04:15 PM

Plane with no normal:

Like Gorbachev says ... you are using very old tools, get Zoners tools.

Latest Custom Zoners:

These are good as well:

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.