Making models SOLID?

04-20-2004, 12:27 PM

well ive downloaded a cupple of tanks models but i now want to make them solid unlike my other bush models!

I have read a cupple of other threads but either i did not understand them either they did not answer what i wanted so sorry if its alrady explained somwhere else!

04-20-2004, 04:30 PM
I see you've noyiced you can walk through models. You just have to put invisible brushes inside, but don't worry about making them exact, especialy since its so hard because the models appear as little pink boxes in hammer... anyway I found this tut just for you! now don't you feel special!

04-21-2004, 10:41 AM
Umm, no, hammer 3.5 beta and the new fgd support OpenGl rendering, what that means is place amodel in the map and it is displayed as a model, not a little pink box anymore. You can exactly clip your model.

04-28-2004, 05:36 PM
is it possible to create a block brush the size of the model (or tank in this case) and then, somehow carve it? instead of just manuall clipping it?

04-29-2004, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by StreamlineData
is it possible to create a block brush the size of the model (or tank in this case) and then, somehow carve it? instead of just manuall clipping it?

As well, carve tool is the devil, until you've had a few years experience and truly understand the workings of carve you shouldn't use it. And by that time you won't because you know why you shouldn't. You'll either be downloading someone elses clip if you can find it, or making your own.

05-04-2004, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by (4THIDUSA) SSG
Umm, no, hammer 3.5 beta and the new fgd support OpenGl rendering, what that means is place amodel in the map and it is displayed as a model, not a little pink box anymore. You can exactly clip your model.

My tutorial assumes you are using Hammer v3.5 to clip a model. I belive any mapper trying to clip a model will be using Hammer v3.5 now. (The tut map at the bottom of the page is a dead link atm.)

Pity we don't get the ability to see sub models in Hammer, only special people get that :rolleyes:

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