One more question.

12-16-2003, 08:46 PM
I'm trying to make a map that has spawns that move forward as you cap flags. How do I make it work out so that certain spawns are not activated at first, and then the cap of a flag deactivates the farther back ones and activates the newer ones?

I have a vague idea but compiling my map takes like an hour now because I still havent done a detailed skybox and the map is getting pretty big.

Would it be something like
flag: target -> entity: target ->spawnpointb

and just name a bunch of the spawns spawnpointb?

What would that middle entity be if that's the case? :p

12-16-2003, 09:04 PM
Also does the 'Index of this point (unique)' affect what order the flags appear at the top of the screen?

12-17-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Taien
Also does the 'Index of this point (unique)' affect what order the flags appear at the top of the screen?

yes, and about that moving spawn, you put info_player_allies/axis where you want the normal spawn to be, then you put info_player_allies/axis where you want the advanced spawn to be, now give the flag that needs to be captured to trigger the advanced a target name for example: bridge. Now go to your new advanced spawn area, select all the info_player_axis/allies and fill in the following:
name: bridge
Active if neutral: no
Active if in control: yes
Active if not in control: no

your normal spawn should have something like this
name: bridge
Active if neutral: yes
Active if in control: no
Active if not in control: yes

hope that helps

12-17-2003, 01:01 AM
That was very very helpful, thank you. :)

One question:

Can this be done multiple times on the same map? Like have a spawn move up with each flag that is capped? Just curious.

12-17-2003, 04:27 AM
I think so but then the previous capture area should be gone because otherwise you'll have 2 spawn areas

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