weapon stripping?
10-05-2003, 02:22 PM
Hi, is there any way to strip players of all weapons?
10-05-2003, 03:27 PM
use the point entity player_weaponstrip
10-06-2003, 03:59 PM
cool thanks, so i just put this anywhere and it strips all players of their weapons? I also have another question, I also have another question, how would I make a round based DoD map, ive seen them before.
if you check out the stickies you can find the tutorials for the DOD game types.
as for weapon_strip. you need to trigger it, but if you want it to strip players on spawn theres a special name you can give the entityt. can't remember it offhand though.
10-07-2003, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by Angry Beaver
as for weapon_strip. you need to trigger it, but if you want it to strip players on spawn theres a special name you can give the entityt. can't remember it offhand though.
Correct, It's a special name you give an entity. Here's one way striping all weapons from all players and arming them with a Tommy Gun:
Name: game_playerspawn (The special name you mentioned)
(use smart edit to add the following keys)
strip 0.1
give 0.8
NOTE: here's a trick to get this to work properly; Tick the Multi-threaded Flag. This will ensure all connecting Clients get their weapons striped.
Name: strip
Name: give
(use smart edit to add the following key)
weapon_tompson 1
If you don't have all the entitys in your fgd file (Some weren't in the dod one) then download mine: HERE (http://www.mardymouse.co.uk/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=46)
Hudson, you might fine some useful stuff on my webby, just click my banner.
DOH that reminds me i need to add the game_player_equip to my .fgd fix.
10-09-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Angry Beaver
DOH that reminds me i need to add the game_player_equip to my .fgd fix.
Somehow ... I knew that you hadn't put it in :D
02-29-2004, 01:31 PM
Anyone know how I can use these custom entities such as game_player_equip w/ stripper2?
03-21-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by haircut
Correct, It's a special name you give an entity. Here's one way striping all weapons from all players and arming them with a Tommy Gun:
Name: game_playerspawn (The special name you mentioned)
(use smart edit to add the following keys)
strip 0.1
give 0.8
NOTE: here's a trick to get this to work properly; Tick the Multi-threaded Flag. This will ensure all connecting Clients get their weapons striped.
Name: strip
Name: give
(use smart edit to add the following key)
weapon_tompson 1
If you don't have all the entitys in your fgd file (Some weren't in the dod one) then download mine: HERE (http://www.mardymouse.co.uk/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=46)
Hudson, you might fine some useful stuff on my webby, just click my banner.
Helped me alot - just for those who don't know, as I discovered this by poking around; you can use this with 2 game_team_master entities and give allies and axis different starting gear. Just name the game_team_master entities giveallies and giveaxis; set the trigger to "on", the teams to 1 and 2 respectively, and have them relay (target) two game_player_equip(s) named giveallies2 and giveaxis2, with the appropriate weapons (as above). The multimanager calls
strip 0.1
giveallies 0.8
giveaxis 0.8
and this results in separate weapons for the teams.
03-22-2004, 01:07 AM
@ Epinephrine
I wondered if there was an easy way to do that :D
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