04-26-2003, 04:11 AM
Map Development FAQ
Q: I am new to mapping, where to I go to start?
A: For an informative guide for newbies on Day Of Defeat mapping, Click Here (http://www.mardymouse.co.uk/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=31)
Also check out here (Official Mapping Guide) (http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com/info/mapping/mapping.shtml)
Q: I have a compiling error, what do I do?
A: Try having a look at one of these links:
Handy Vandals Almanac (http://www.karljones.com/halflife/almanac.asp)
Tommy 14's Error Archive (http://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/errors.htm)
The Snarkpit (http://www.snarkpit.com/index.php?page=troubleshooting)
ZHLT Error Page (http://dev.valve-erc.com/index.php?area=documents&document%5B%5D=103393336809779700&action=view)
Q: I cannot find what I am looking for in this FAQ
A: Check out one of the following sites:
Google [Search Engine] (http://www.google.com)
Valve ERC [Good Half-Life mapping site] (http://collective.valve-erc.com)
The Handy Valves Alamac (http://www.karljones.com/halflife/almanac.asp)
DoDMoD Forums Search Engine (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/search.php?s=)
Mardy Mouse (http://www.mardymouse.co.uk/)
Snarkpit Tutorials (http://www.snarkpit.com/tutorials.php)
TLA Projects (http://www.tla-projects.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/dod/index.html)
If the information you are trying to find still cannot be found in any of these, try narrowing down your search. Instead of: "Where can I find Day Of Defeat water textures" try a search for "half-life textures" and then look into one of these sites.
If all else fails, create a new topic, or reply to an existing topic in the mapping forum where someone should be at hand to solve your mapping problem.
Q: Where can I Download?:
A: Click the following links...
Mapping files (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=435)
Q: Whats a batch compiler, and all the options for each compiler?
A: Try Nem's batch compiler GUI Download (http://countermap.counter-strike.net/Nemesis/batchdown.html) and his forum thread here. (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=553)
Q: How do I Setup Hammer/Worldcraft?
A: Check out Fakedawg's Guide here (http://www.xs4all.nl/~fragman/fakemaps/)
How do I Decompile a map (.bsp)?
A: There is a tool to use, but it doesn't decompile very well and mis-aligns brushes, etc.
You may only edit a map and re-release with the Authors explicit permission first, the map is COPYRIGHTED by default. I will not post any url's to the WinBSP program here...you will have to find it to yourself.
Remember....RE-Releasing a decompile map without written permission is illegal
The only use for decompiling a map is to LEARN how the map is done, to see what entities were used to trigger a certain event for example.
Q: Where can I find some good models?
A: Try H&k's model pack: http://www.invasionworks.com/downloads.php?category=2
Q: Where can I find some custom sounds for my map?
A: http://www.specialoperations.com/Multimedia/sounds.html
Q: How do I make a crate?
A: DoDMappers Tutorial (http://www.dodmappers.com/http/tutorials.php?opt=shw_tut&tutnam=craters%20and%20rubble)
Q: How do I make a map overview?
A: DoD Mappers Tutorial (http://www.dodmappers.com/http/tutorials.php?opt=shw_tut&tutnam=overviews)
Q: How do I create a PARA Drop?
moderator note: link is currently innoperative
A: Check out my tutorial Here (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69013)
Q: How do i create moving searchlights?
A: Check out my tutorial Here (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69016)
moderator note: link is currently innoperative
Texture/WAD FAQ
Q: Where can I find custom textures (.WAD'S) to use in my Day Of Defeat map?
A: Check out the following popular Custom textures:
Kami-pack1.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-pack2.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-pack3.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-Rubble.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Revenant.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Seg3-Kami.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Propaganda Posters (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-Platinum.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com/misc/zip/kami-platinum.zip)
ZillaFinal.wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64933)
Xerent.wad (http://xerent.dodhq.net)
classic_kleineh_dod wad (http://users.invasionworks.com/~klein/classic_kleineh_dod.zip)
iNw Rubble Wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68778)
Zodiac Roof Wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=66005)
DoD_raate textures (http://www.dodfi.net/cilppiz/dod_raate/textures_from_dod_raate.zip)
Hedgerow wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45938)
Pinafore church wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=61916&highlight=wad)
classic_kleineh_dod wad (http://users.invasionworks.com/~klein/classic_kleineh_dod.zip)
More Wads are available, if you want one thats not listed above, do a search or look in your half-life/dod directory
Q: How do I make my own texture(s)?
A: Check out one of the following links:
Kami's tutorials (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Counter-Map Tutorial (http://countermap.counter-strike.net/Tutorials/)
Q: How do I view/edit textures outside hammer/half-life?
A: Use Wally (Download by clicking here) (http://www.telefragged.com/wally/)
DoDMoD Forum FAQ
Q: I am new to the Message Boards here, where do I go?
A: Click Here! (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/misc.php?action=faq)
Q: Whos in charge here?
A: xerent, Kamikazi, Izuno and other Global Supermods are able to moderate this forum. This list will be updated on a regular basis.
There is always an eye watching.
Q: My Post has been locked? How do I get it unlocked?
A: DO NOT post a new topic with the same title/content, your post would have been locked for a reason. If unsure, pm a moderator
Q: What are the forum rules?
A: http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/rules.php
Q: How do i properly link to screenshots?
[font size="1]A: THANKS TO CAPITALIST:
[i]First off, however 1337 you may think your Geocities website may be, the fact is, it sucks. File this one under the "you get what you pay for" adage. Myself and others are annoyed by all of the defunct links caused by newbies using free webspace providers. Note: Defunct links are not a good way to promote enthusiasm for your maps.
I would recommend purchasing webspace from one of the many providers out there. One such provider I would recommend is Hostway. Renting webspace has become quite inexpensive, so nearly everyone can afford it.
If you must use a free service, keep this in mind: These companies have to survive also. While the better providers get revenue from rental fees, free providers derrive revenue from advertisement. There is nothing wrong with this, that is simply the way it is.
Thus, if you're going to use a free webspace provider, be aware of the methods by which they advertise. The more people viewing their ads, the better. Thus, the providers have devised several ways to ensure visitors will do just that. Many of the more prominent providers have even implemented ways to prevent people from viewing or retrieving isolated files from their server without viewing ads.
For instance, say you upload a screenshot of your neato DOD map to a Geocities account, and now you want the world to see it. You announce to the world that a screenshot is available at: http://www.geocities.com/MrNewbie/s...screenshot.jpg. People visit the site, and they'll find that Geocities has cleverly replaced your screenshot with a nice little image informing the user that you use Geocities. No screenshot, no link to your homepage, nada.
Similarly, try hosting a file on say, Tripod. Give the direct URL to the world, and see how well they fare. My guess is, they won't get far.
What is the solution?
The free webspace providers aren't out to make you miserable or to deny the world of your divine map. They simply want to be compensated for their services. So, give them what they want, and there will be no problems.
How do I do this?
The providers want visitors to view their ads, so ensure that your visitors do. Linking directly to an image or file does not allow advertisement, so you'll have to put your image/file on a webpage instead. This is easy to do. You can either use whatever browser-based webpage-creation features are included with the service, or do it manually with HTML.
But I don't know HTML!
Well, here is the entire code for a simple page that would contain just a screenshot. Feel free to use this as a template (replace the words in all caps, leaving the quotation marks):
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
Here is a template of a basic page containing a link to a file you have uploaded, such as a map:
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
Click here to download my Super Cool DOD Map!
Now what?
Now, when telling people to view a screenshot or download a file, give them the URL of the webpage you just created. Because the visitor has gone to a webpage rather than a single file, your webspace provider has had the opportunity to display its ads. With the provider satisfied, your visitors should have no problem accessing your content.
Mapping Misc FAQ
Q: Where can I find custom maps?
A: Try one of the following sites:
Houston DoD (Massive Map Collection) (http://maps.houstondod.com)
Kustom Kettle (http://kustomkettle.com)
Mikes Marauders (http://www.mikesmarauders.com)
DoDMaps.com (http://www.dodmaps.com)
DoDMaps.de (http://www.dodmaps.de) [/color]
Q: Where can i find map reviews?
A: Your best option is to search for "<map name> review" in google (http://www.google.com). You can also try sites such as DoDMaps (http://www.dodmaps.com) or DoDNetwork (http://www.dodnetwork.com)
Q: Where can I find some good Custom Map servers?
A: Try the following:
Kustom Kettle (http://www.kustomkettle.com) and
DoDMaps (http://www.dodmaps.com)
Mikes Marauders (http://www.mikesmarauders.com)
Q: Where can I find map overviews?
A: They are located in your /dod/overviews/ folder
Q: Name some more useful Mapping links
A: Click the Following:
iNw Mapping Links (http://forums.invasionworks.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=355)
Some tutorials (http://awmaps.tripod.com/tutorials.htm)
Chainsaws tutorials (http://www.planethalflife.com/chaincraft/)
Spirit of Half-Life (http://spirit.valve-erc.com/)
Wavelength Mapping (http://www.planethalflife.com/wavelength/levels/)
Tommy 14 tutorials (http://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/tutorials.htm)
Check out FREAKHEADS MASSIVE link list here also (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3268&postid=101902)
Q: How do I create a DoD Class limit CFG file?
A: (Thanks to TyrantII)
open up notpad and copy this:
mp_limitallieslight 8
mp_limitalliesassault 15
mp_limitalliesheavy 25
mp_limitalliessniper 1
mp_limitaxislight 4
mp_limitaxisassault 10
mp_limitaxisheavy 20
mp_limitaxissniper 1
>> change the numbers to your own needs (i belive percentages will work too). The trick to making it a cfg file is when you save it. go to file, save as. when the option box pops up, put the pulldown menu to all, or all files. next type in the name of the cfg with the quotes like this "MyMapName.cfg" , and save it. My example for my map dod_D-Day_Invasion would be to save it as: "dod_D-Day_Invasion .cfg" (and remember the quotes are needded to make it become a cfg and not just a text file!). once you have your cfg file, just drop it in the dod main dir and your all set. be sure to include it when distributing your map ;)
Q: Where Can I find some prefabs?
A: Gamedesign Prefabs (http://prefabs.gamedesign.net)
Official Mapping site (http://mapping.dayofdefeatmod.com/mapping/prefabs/) or search Google!!
Q: How do i place a model in my map?
A: http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/fo...&threadid=28583 (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28583)
Q: How do I create advancing spawns?
A: Check this thread (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25914)
Q: How do i reduce R_speeds?
A: Check out the following:
http://www.chatbear.com/cgi-bin/boa...53&view=flatold (http://www.chatbear.com/cgi-bin/board.pl?action=viewthread&threadid=725,1002479940,5924&id=73634&boardid=653&view=flatold)
http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/fo...&threadid=56793 (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56793)
http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/fo...&threadid=65555 (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65555)
Q: How do i search Google effectively?
A: (Once again, thanks to Capitalist):
What do I do if google returns with too little or too many results?
A. If you have too little results, broaden your search terms. For example, instead of searching for "how do I make the worldcraft grid bigger?" try just searching for "worldcraft and grid." Of course, don't overlook the obvious... this information can probably be found in WC's help file (imagine that).
B. If you are getting too little results or no results at all (after trying boolean and other operators--see "C" below), try another search engine. For bonus points, try a metasearch engine, which will simultaneously search using many engines at once and display the results on one page. Mamma.com belongs to this family.
C. Use boolean and/or other search operators. Many search engines seem to have forsaken these invaluable tools, but google is smarter than your average bear. These can be used to help you increase or decrease the results of your query.
Here are some useful sites on Google's operators:
The Basics of Google Search (http://www.google.com/help/basics.html)
Advanced Google Search Made Easy (http://www.google.com/help/refinesearch.html)
and particularly interesting,
Google's Advanced Query Word Operators (http://www.google.com/help/operators.html)
Q: How do I write a good readme file?
A: (Thanks to capitalist)...
[font size="1]Mappers can prevent many future (post-releasal) problems by writing a good README file.
Provide supplementary contact information. Most people know enough to provide their email address, but providing other methods also makes for a good backup plan. That way, in case you can no longer be contacted one way, there are still other ways to reach you. Consider including things like an alternate email, Forum screen name (for PMs), instant messanger handles, your clan, common IRC hangouts (with nickname), another person who could contact you or speak on your behalf, etc. If you don't mind giving out private information, your postal address and phone number are other options.
Even if you disappear, remember your README will remain. By planning ahead, it can effectively make your intentions known in your absence. This would come in handy if every attempt to contact you fails.
In explicit terms, identify what people can and cannot do with your map. As in, "Updating this map for compatibility with future versions is prohibited unless I have given my permission. In the event of my absence, [yadda yadda]... may be done, provided that these conditions are met.... [yadda yadda]."
You may have different conditions for different uses, so also add notes regarding things like:
Revising, 'cloning,' using strippers, "fixing" things, using plugins, decompiling, using as a base for another map, entity ripping, running on non-standard servers (another mod/game/variation), texture/model/other resource ripping, distribution in public map packs, distribution as part of a commercial venture, etc.
Include a clause in your map requiring that your README always be included with your map, when distributed, run on a server, with the distribution of any modified versions of your map by a third party, etc.
One last tip... Do not name your README file "readme.txt!" Give your README file the same name as your map. For example, if your map is named "dod_noobmap.bsp" then your README file should be named "dod_noobmap.txt" and sent to the same folder as the map.
README files are usually kept for future reference and other reasons. By giving the README file the same name as your map, you ensure that they will be quickly recognized and associated with your map. Not to mention the fact that the name "README.TXT" is very common, so if you use this name, it will end up being replaced when another map is installed. That defeats their purpose. Its not enough just to have them in the ZIP, either. Most people delete the zip files immediately afterward. Also, many servers allow people to download maps directly from their ../maps directory (through the web or ftp) in BSP form. You want to ensure that, assuming it is extracted with the maps on the server (see the 'include with distribution clause' above), your README will be listed and made available with your map for everyone who obtains your map from that server.
NOTE: This is only intented as a means of supplementing the word of a mapmaker and aiding those who wish to contact one. Just because a mapmaker did not to do the above, that does NOT make the map open game. Intellectual property rights are always implied and automatically recognized upon the creation of the work. You can only do what you have permission to do. You cannot do anything just because "the author didn't say you couldn't." [/color]
Q: How Do i promote my new mapping team?
A: Thanks to capitalist....
[font size="1]Finding that mapmaker's aren't clamoring to join your (or any team)? That is because we don't need to join a team. Most teams really don't provide much for mappers; there aren't many compelling reasons to join one.
If you want to start a successful mapping team, you generally won't get the results you want just by shouting to every place where mappers hang out: "Hey, I have a new mapping team! Come join now! Line up single file, and no shoving!" You're going to have to take some time to make your case and to appeal to us. A simple post by an unknown guy for a new team with no record of its existence beyond this guy's words, with no webpage to offer, or anything to show that the team is worthy of one's time, just won't cut it. So, get a webpage, show some examples of work by other members so potential newcomers know they'll be dealing with people on their level, and offer something in return for being a member of your team that we can't already get just for being a member of this forum.
One more thing: Are you a mapper yourself? I generally think of an ideal mapping team as being a group of mappers (and modellers, texture artists, etc) who voluntarily work together through exclusive trading amongst themselves for their own benefit. Personally, I would never join a mapping team run by someone who isn't even involved as one of the creators, except by virtue of his being a self-proclaimed "leader."
If you wish to insult our intelligence by not following this advice, expect to be flamed. You will be flamed harshly, and the participants of this forum will likely discredit anything further you may post here.
Consider it a form of self-regulation for the forum. By not holding back and by letting people know the true value of their posts, we encourage the better kinds of posts, the kind that make this forum worth our participation.
Just think if we stopped being *******s, and were jolly nice to every ******* who wastes our time with threads that are pointless, bring up issues that have long been exhausted, are so incomplete that they could never achieve their desired results, etc. etc... The whole place would become so cluttered with garbage that it would strangle any remaining meaningful and relevent discussion, until the forum becomes utterly useless.
We're not admins. Unlike them, we have no ability or right to censure unwanted discussion. Our only means of influencing the trends of this forum is by judging what read and treating it accordingly.
Granted, threads of this type (mapping team announcements/recruiting) are relatively harmless and don't occur too often, but they are certainly not excluded from our critique. This particular thread lacked many elements that are essential if a mapping team expects to be taken seriously. For details on these, see my first post in this thread.
To put this in perspective: Yesterday I believe, a thread announcing a new map was closed by an admin because it didn't have screenshots. How is a thread announcing a new mapping team without providing any credentials (or even a website) any different?
Anyway, so long as you follow my advice, all of this can be avoided. There are probably many people willing to work with you, once they learn that you are traveling towards similar goals with similar values and competence. I wish the best for your mapping team, and will close by quoting some recent comments on this subject made by Glidias. [/color]
Q: How Do i use hint brushes?
A: http://fps.brainerd.net/hintbrushes.htm
Hope is useful....reply with your own below...once again. I don't take credit for the above as most of it is other peoples efforts.
Please only reply with useful information or it will be deleted.
Map Development FAQ
Q: I am new to mapping, where to I go to start?
A: For an informative guide for newbies on Day Of Defeat mapping, Click Here (http://www.mardymouse.co.uk/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=31)
Also check out here (Official Mapping Guide) (http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com/info/mapping/mapping.shtml)
Q: I have a compiling error, what do I do?
A: Try having a look at one of these links:
Handy Vandals Almanac (http://www.karljones.com/halflife/almanac.asp)
Tommy 14's Error Archive (http://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/errors.htm)
The Snarkpit (http://www.snarkpit.com/index.php?page=troubleshooting)
ZHLT Error Page (http://dev.valve-erc.com/index.php?area=documents&document%5B%5D=103393336809779700&action=view)
Q: I cannot find what I am looking for in this FAQ
A: Check out one of the following sites:
Google [Search Engine] (http://www.google.com)
Valve ERC [Good Half-Life mapping site] (http://collective.valve-erc.com)
The Handy Valves Alamac (http://www.karljones.com/halflife/almanac.asp)
DoDMoD Forums Search Engine (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/search.php?s=)
Mardy Mouse (http://www.mardymouse.co.uk/)
Snarkpit Tutorials (http://www.snarkpit.com/tutorials.php)
TLA Projects (http://www.tla-projects.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/dod/index.html)
If the information you are trying to find still cannot be found in any of these, try narrowing down your search. Instead of: "Where can I find Day Of Defeat water textures" try a search for "half-life textures" and then look into one of these sites.
If all else fails, create a new topic, or reply to an existing topic in the mapping forum where someone should be at hand to solve your mapping problem.
Q: Where can I Download?:
A: Click the following links...
Mapping files (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=435)
Q: Whats a batch compiler, and all the options for each compiler?
A: Try Nem's batch compiler GUI Download (http://countermap.counter-strike.net/Nemesis/batchdown.html) and his forum thread here. (http://www.dayofdefeat.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=553)
Q: How do I Setup Hammer/Worldcraft?
A: Check out Fakedawg's Guide here (http://www.xs4all.nl/~fragman/fakemaps/)
How do I Decompile a map (.bsp)?
A: There is a tool to use, but it doesn't decompile very well and mis-aligns brushes, etc.
You may only edit a map and re-release with the Authors explicit permission first, the map is COPYRIGHTED by default. I will not post any url's to the WinBSP program here...you will have to find it to yourself.
Remember....RE-Releasing a decompile map without written permission is illegal
The only use for decompiling a map is to LEARN how the map is done, to see what entities were used to trigger a certain event for example.
Q: Where can I find some good models?
A: Try H&k's model pack: http://www.invasionworks.com/downloads.php?category=2
Q: Where can I find some custom sounds for my map?
A: http://www.specialoperations.com/Multimedia/sounds.html
Q: How do I make a crate?
A: DoDMappers Tutorial (http://www.dodmappers.com/http/tutorials.php?opt=shw_tut&tutnam=craters%20and%20rubble)
Q: How do I make a map overview?
A: DoD Mappers Tutorial (http://www.dodmappers.com/http/tutorials.php?opt=shw_tut&tutnam=overviews)
Q: How do I create a PARA Drop?
moderator note: link is currently innoperative
A: Check out my tutorial Here (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69013)
Q: How do i create moving searchlights?
A: Check out my tutorial Here (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69016)
moderator note: link is currently innoperative
Texture/WAD FAQ
Q: Where can I find custom textures (.WAD'S) to use in my Day Of Defeat map?
A: Check out the following popular Custom textures:
Kami-pack1.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-pack2.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-pack3.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-Rubble.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Revenant.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Seg3-Kami.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Propaganda Posters (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Kami-Platinum.wad (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com/misc/zip/kami-platinum.zip)
ZillaFinal.wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64933)
Xerent.wad (http://xerent.dodhq.net)
classic_kleineh_dod wad (http://users.invasionworks.com/~klein/classic_kleineh_dod.zip)
iNw Rubble Wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68778)
Zodiac Roof Wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=66005)
DoD_raate textures (http://www.dodfi.net/cilppiz/dod_raate/textures_from_dod_raate.zip)
Hedgerow wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45938)
Pinafore church wad (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=61916&highlight=wad)
classic_kleineh_dod wad (http://users.invasionworks.com/~klein/classic_kleineh_dod.zip)
More Wads are available, if you want one thats not listed above, do a search or look in your half-life/dod directory
Q: How do I make my own texture(s)?
A: Check out one of the following links:
Kami's tutorials (http://wads.dayofdefeatmod.com)
Counter-Map Tutorial (http://countermap.counter-strike.net/Tutorials/)
Q: How do I view/edit textures outside hammer/half-life?
A: Use Wally (Download by clicking here) (http://www.telefragged.com/wally/)
DoDMoD Forum FAQ
Q: I am new to the Message Boards here, where do I go?
A: Click Here! (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/misc.php?action=faq)
Q: Whos in charge here?
A: xerent, Kamikazi, Izuno and other Global Supermods are able to moderate this forum. This list will be updated on a regular basis.
There is always an eye watching.
Q: My Post has been locked? How do I get it unlocked?
A: DO NOT post a new topic with the same title/content, your post would have been locked for a reason. If unsure, pm a moderator
Q: What are the forum rules?
A: http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/rules.php
Q: How do i properly link to screenshots?
[font size="1]A: THANKS TO CAPITALIST:
[i]First off, however 1337 you may think your Geocities website may be, the fact is, it sucks. File this one under the "you get what you pay for" adage. Myself and others are annoyed by all of the defunct links caused by newbies using free webspace providers. Note: Defunct links are not a good way to promote enthusiasm for your maps.
I would recommend purchasing webspace from one of the many providers out there. One such provider I would recommend is Hostway. Renting webspace has become quite inexpensive, so nearly everyone can afford it.
If you must use a free service, keep this in mind: These companies have to survive also. While the better providers get revenue from rental fees, free providers derrive revenue from advertisement. There is nothing wrong with this, that is simply the way it is.
Thus, if you're going to use a free webspace provider, be aware of the methods by which they advertise. The more people viewing their ads, the better. Thus, the providers have devised several ways to ensure visitors will do just that. Many of the more prominent providers have even implemented ways to prevent people from viewing or retrieving isolated files from their server without viewing ads.
For instance, say you upload a screenshot of your neato DOD map to a Geocities account, and now you want the world to see it. You announce to the world that a screenshot is available at: http://www.geocities.com/MrNewbie/s...screenshot.jpg. People visit the site, and they'll find that Geocities has cleverly replaced your screenshot with a nice little image informing the user that you use Geocities. No screenshot, no link to your homepage, nada.
Similarly, try hosting a file on say, Tripod. Give the direct URL to the world, and see how well they fare. My guess is, they won't get far.
What is the solution?
The free webspace providers aren't out to make you miserable or to deny the world of your divine map. They simply want to be compensated for their services. So, give them what they want, and there will be no problems.
How do I do this?
The providers want visitors to view their ads, so ensure that your visitors do. Linking directly to an image or file does not allow advertisement, so you'll have to put your image/file on a webpage instead. This is easy to do. You can either use whatever browser-based webpage-creation features are included with the service, or do it manually with HTML.
But I don't know HTML!
Well, here is the entire code for a simple page that would contain just a screenshot. Feel free to use this as a template (replace the words in all caps, leaving the quotation marks):
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
Here is a template of a basic page containing a link to a file you have uploaded, such as a map:
<body bgcolor="ffffff">
Click here to download my Super Cool DOD Map!
Now what?
Now, when telling people to view a screenshot or download a file, give them the URL of the webpage you just created. Because the visitor has gone to a webpage rather than a single file, your webspace provider has had the opportunity to display its ads. With the provider satisfied, your visitors should have no problem accessing your content.
Mapping Misc FAQ
Q: Where can I find custom maps?
A: Try one of the following sites:
Houston DoD (Massive Map Collection) (http://maps.houstondod.com)
Kustom Kettle (http://kustomkettle.com)
Mikes Marauders (http://www.mikesmarauders.com)
DoDMaps.com (http://www.dodmaps.com)
DoDMaps.de (http://www.dodmaps.de) [/color]
Q: Where can i find map reviews?
A: Your best option is to search for "<map name> review" in google (http://www.google.com). You can also try sites such as DoDMaps (http://www.dodmaps.com) or DoDNetwork (http://www.dodnetwork.com)
Q: Where can I find some good Custom Map servers?
A: Try the following:
Kustom Kettle (http://www.kustomkettle.com) and
DoDMaps (http://www.dodmaps.com)
Mikes Marauders (http://www.mikesmarauders.com)
Q: Where can I find map overviews?
A: They are located in your /dod/overviews/ folder
Q: Name some more useful Mapping links
A: Click the Following:
iNw Mapping Links (http://forums.invasionworks.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=355)
Some tutorials (http://awmaps.tripod.com/tutorials.htm)
Chainsaws tutorials (http://www.planethalflife.com/chaincraft/)
Spirit of Half-Life (http://spirit.valve-erc.com/)
Wavelength Mapping (http://www.planethalflife.com/wavelength/levels/)
Tommy 14 tutorials (http://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/tutorials.htm)
Check out FREAKHEADS MASSIVE link list here also (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3268&postid=101902)
Q: How do I create a DoD Class limit CFG file?
A: (Thanks to TyrantII)
open up notpad and copy this:
mp_limitallieslight 8
mp_limitalliesassault 15
mp_limitalliesheavy 25
mp_limitalliessniper 1
mp_limitaxislight 4
mp_limitaxisassault 10
mp_limitaxisheavy 20
mp_limitaxissniper 1
>> change the numbers to your own needs (i belive percentages will work too). The trick to making it a cfg file is when you save it. go to file, save as. when the option box pops up, put the pulldown menu to all, or all files. next type in the name of the cfg with the quotes like this "MyMapName.cfg" , and save it. My example for my map dod_D-Day_Invasion would be to save it as: "dod_D-Day_Invasion .cfg" (and remember the quotes are needded to make it become a cfg and not just a text file!). once you have your cfg file, just drop it in the dod main dir and your all set. be sure to include it when distributing your map ;)
Q: Where Can I find some prefabs?
A: Gamedesign Prefabs (http://prefabs.gamedesign.net)
Official Mapping site (http://mapping.dayofdefeatmod.com/mapping/prefabs/) or search Google!!
Q: How do i place a model in my map?
A: http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/fo...&threadid=28583 (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28583)
Q: How do I create advancing spawns?
A: Check this thread (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25914)
Q: How do i reduce R_speeds?
A: Check out the following:
http://www.chatbear.com/cgi-bin/boa...53&view=flatold (http://www.chatbear.com/cgi-bin/board.pl?action=viewthread&threadid=725,1002479940,5924&id=73634&boardid=653&view=flatold)
http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/fo...&threadid=56793 (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56793)
http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/fo...&threadid=65555 (http://forums.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65555)
Q: How do i search Google effectively?
A: (Once again, thanks to Capitalist):
What do I do if google returns with too little or too many results?
A. If you have too little results, broaden your search terms. For example, instead of searching for "how do I make the worldcraft grid bigger?" try just searching for "worldcraft and grid." Of course, don't overlook the obvious... this information can probably be found in WC's help file (imagine that).
B. If you are getting too little results or no results at all (after trying boolean and other operators--see "C" below), try another search engine. For bonus points, try a metasearch engine, which will simultaneously search using many engines at once and display the results on one page. Mamma.com belongs to this family.
C. Use boolean and/or other search operators. Many search engines seem to have forsaken these invaluable tools, but google is smarter than your average bear. These can be used to help you increase or decrease the results of your query.
Here are some useful sites on Google's operators:
The Basics of Google Search (http://www.google.com/help/basics.html)
Advanced Google Search Made Easy (http://www.google.com/help/refinesearch.html)
and particularly interesting,
Google's Advanced Query Word Operators (http://www.google.com/help/operators.html)
Q: How do I write a good readme file?
A: (Thanks to capitalist)...
[font size="1]Mappers can prevent many future (post-releasal) problems by writing a good README file.
Provide supplementary contact information. Most people know enough to provide their email address, but providing other methods also makes for a good backup plan. That way, in case you can no longer be contacted one way, there are still other ways to reach you. Consider including things like an alternate email, Forum screen name (for PMs), instant messanger handles, your clan, common IRC hangouts (with nickname), another person who could contact you or speak on your behalf, etc. If you don't mind giving out private information, your postal address and phone number are other options.
Even if you disappear, remember your README will remain. By planning ahead, it can effectively make your intentions known in your absence. This would come in handy if every attempt to contact you fails.
In explicit terms, identify what people can and cannot do with your map. As in, "Updating this map for compatibility with future versions is prohibited unless I have given my permission. In the event of my absence, [yadda yadda]... may be done, provided that these conditions are met.... [yadda yadda]."
You may have different conditions for different uses, so also add notes regarding things like:
Revising, 'cloning,' using strippers, "fixing" things, using plugins, decompiling, using as a base for another map, entity ripping, running on non-standard servers (another mod/game/variation), texture/model/other resource ripping, distribution in public map packs, distribution as part of a commercial venture, etc.
Include a clause in your map requiring that your README always be included with your map, when distributed, run on a server, with the distribution of any modified versions of your map by a third party, etc.
One last tip... Do not name your README file "readme.txt!" Give your README file the same name as your map. For example, if your map is named "dod_noobmap.bsp" then your README file should be named "dod_noobmap.txt" and sent to the same folder as the map.
README files are usually kept for future reference and other reasons. By giving the README file the same name as your map, you ensure that they will be quickly recognized and associated with your map. Not to mention the fact that the name "README.TXT" is very common, so if you use this name, it will end up being replaced when another map is installed. That defeats their purpose. Its not enough just to have them in the ZIP, either. Most people delete the zip files immediately afterward. Also, many servers allow people to download maps directly from their ../maps directory (through the web or ftp) in BSP form. You want to ensure that, assuming it is extracted with the maps on the server (see the 'include with distribution clause' above), your README will be listed and made available with your map for everyone who obtains your map from that server.
NOTE: This is only intented as a means of supplementing the word of a mapmaker and aiding those who wish to contact one. Just because a mapmaker did not to do the above, that does NOT make the map open game. Intellectual property rights are always implied and automatically recognized upon the creation of the work. You can only do what you have permission to do. You cannot do anything just because "the author didn't say you couldn't." [/color]
Q: How Do i promote my new mapping team?
A: Thanks to capitalist....
[font size="1]Finding that mapmaker's aren't clamoring to join your (or any team)? That is because we don't need to join a team. Most teams really don't provide much for mappers; there aren't many compelling reasons to join one.
If you want to start a successful mapping team, you generally won't get the results you want just by shouting to every place where mappers hang out: "Hey, I have a new mapping team! Come join now! Line up single file, and no shoving!" You're going to have to take some time to make your case and to appeal to us. A simple post by an unknown guy for a new team with no record of its existence beyond this guy's words, with no webpage to offer, or anything to show that the team is worthy of one's time, just won't cut it. So, get a webpage, show some examples of work by other members so potential newcomers know they'll be dealing with people on their level, and offer something in return for being a member of your team that we can't already get just for being a member of this forum.
One more thing: Are you a mapper yourself? I generally think of an ideal mapping team as being a group of mappers (and modellers, texture artists, etc) who voluntarily work together through exclusive trading amongst themselves for their own benefit. Personally, I would never join a mapping team run by someone who isn't even involved as one of the creators, except by virtue of his being a self-proclaimed "leader."
If you wish to insult our intelligence by not following this advice, expect to be flamed. You will be flamed harshly, and the participants of this forum will likely discredit anything further you may post here.
Consider it a form of self-regulation for the forum. By not holding back and by letting people know the true value of their posts, we encourage the better kinds of posts, the kind that make this forum worth our participation.
Just think if we stopped being *******s, and were jolly nice to every ******* who wastes our time with threads that are pointless, bring up issues that have long been exhausted, are so incomplete that they could never achieve their desired results, etc. etc... The whole place would become so cluttered with garbage that it would strangle any remaining meaningful and relevent discussion, until the forum becomes utterly useless.
We're not admins. Unlike them, we have no ability or right to censure unwanted discussion. Our only means of influencing the trends of this forum is by judging what read and treating it accordingly.
Granted, threads of this type (mapping team announcements/recruiting) are relatively harmless and don't occur too often, but they are certainly not excluded from our critique. This particular thread lacked many elements that are essential if a mapping team expects to be taken seriously. For details on these, see my first post in this thread.
To put this in perspective: Yesterday I believe, a thread announcing a new map was closed by an admin because it didn't have screenshots. How is a thread announcing a new mapping team without providing any credentials (or even a website) any different?
Anyway, so long as you follow my advice, all of this can be avoided. There are probably many people willing to work with you, once they learn that you are traveling towards similar goals with similar values and competence. I wish the best for your mapping team, and will close by quoting some recent comments on this subject made by Glidias. [/color]
Q: How Do i use hint brushes?
A: http://fps.brainerd.net/hintbrushes.htm
Hope is useful....reply with your own below...once again. I don't take credit for the above as most of it is other peoples efforts.
Please only reply with useful information or it will be deleted.