Mysterious problem
In my map there are advancing spawns that are triggered when two 88-cannons are destroyed. It works.
BUT I was just testing it and I found out that there is still a problem. I don't get this:
In the first round it always works fine. Then when the documents are retrieved or timelimit exceeds, in the second round there is a problem. If the cannons are not destroyed in the same order as in the last round, the trigger won't work. I tried to destroy them in the same order for a few rounds and every time it worked. But if in one round I change the order, it doesn't work anymore.
This is how I have made it:
I have two dod_capture_areas which both target the same multisource, and the multisource targets a multi_manager that targets some ambience and two env_state entities, which are masters for the spawn points. The other env_state is 'start on' and other one is not.
Everything works just the way they are should, but then there is that mysterious problem. Any ideas on how to fix it?
I think maybe your entitys are reseting right. or at least thats the only tihng i can think of. to fix it you need to make sure it resets that group.
How can I make sure that the entities reset properly?
And if they don't, what can I do to make it work?
to make sure they reset there is a command "impulse 104" If I'm nto mistaken. I tihnk it gives you entity properties or something. I remember reading it in a VERC tut recently.
go to your dod_score_ent
in there is a box called "Rest group (blank for all)" type in here the group name that isnt reseting right. (its best to have another one with no groups typed in)
How can I make a multisource entity into a 'group' that would work in the "reset group" property of the dod_score_ent?
And how can I put two dod_score_ents into one trigger?
I tried to put the name of the multisoure into the 'reset group' of another dod_score_ent I made (with score values 0 and such) but Hl crashed when the objective was complete and the dod_score_ents were triggered.
A tutorial about more complicated advancing spawns would be appreciated. By 'mor ecomplicated' I mean not just a single flag controlled spawns, but a few objectives that need to be complete for the spawns to work.
I was able to further outline the problem.
Clearly, the problem is that the multisource doesn't reset at round end.
I tried to destroy only one cannon and then retrieve the documents --> second round. In the second round I destroyed the cannon I didn't destroy in the last round and it triggered the master.
So... I need a way to properly reset the multisource for every round. How can I do that?
Or is there a way to go around the whole multisource-phase in the process? Any ideas are appreciated since I'm totally in a blackout about this problem.
06-22-2003, 11:14 AM
The entity 'trigger_auto' can be set to fire off at every round start, if that helps any.
I don't think it helped, since the multisource can't be triggered off with it. If the multisource is set as the target of the trigger_auto then the trigger_auto also has to be activated in order for the multisource to work.
Of course I could try to reset all other related entities with it, but I don't see why it would work.
More ideas, please! I'm desperate.
06-23-2003, 04:57 AM
Here is what I would try:
1. When you destroy the 88#1, it triggers a control_point and the multisource,
2. When you destroy the 88#2, it triggers a control_point and the multisource,
3. The multisource calls a point_relay to trigger a 3d flag (hidden by using the models/null.mdl and the flag "Hide point)
4. Each info_player_allies has for 'Master Control Point' the name of the 3d flag.
In this case all should reset well. In other words: use a control_point, not a env_state, to activate the advanced spawns. Please don't flame me if that does nor work.
Otherwise, try -iNw-Andy's idea.
The trigger_auto also has to be activated.
Wrong. The trigger_auto will sends his command (On or Off) automatically when the round starts.
Please don't flame me if that does nor work.
Are you afraid of me?
No reason, my friend. I'll try that system of yours as soon as I have time. Sounds promising.
IF I manage to make it work, I'll show the map to you lot. I've been working 'in the dark' as you might say. (I didn't want to show uncomplete work of art)
What's a point_relay and how does it work?
How can I use a trigger (multisource) to capture a flag (hidden) to allies?
I figured it out...
I haven't compiled yet, but I'm afraid that it still doesn't work, because the problem was the multisource and this is still all going through the same multisource entity.
None of these ideas worked. I tried everything and I combined all these ideas, but it still wouldn't work. The same problem remains.
So now I'm going to remove the other 88 so that only one triggers the spawns. I gotta figure out something clever to put where the other 88 was.
Thanks for all your help anyway.
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