[SREL] Mk4 'Super' Low interefence crosshairs
Slightly better than my regular old Mk3 low-interfence crosshairs....
in 3 colors too!
put into your "dod\sprites" sub-directory.
once you rename one of the: dodcross_r/b/y_v2.spr
to dodcross.spr
06-21-2003, 12:46 PM
Screenshot (1024 x 768): http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/ManglerXHair.gif
that is nice. i use my own, but those are really good.
I also use my own;)
After much research in the field I think these are the best I can make without changing the sprites.txt file.
I think this MK4 is especially suited for BREN use, as they block as little of the screen as possible, and the red/blue ones are fairly visible against a wide variety of backgrounds.
Thanks for the pics of my Xhair,
After I Masturbate to this sprite, I'll install it... ok, Installing.
Wow, your like the two second man or something.
06-22-2003, 03:31 AM
Too small for me. And the colors blend to well into the background so in certain areas you can't see it.
Still a good job though.
06-22-2003, 04:54 AM
Lowest interference X-hair - single pixel. Works for me. :)
Well the sprite tools I have are the most primitive and don't really support palettes well. I will see if I can make the colors BRIGHTER (like neon bright), becasue snow maps can make the yellow x-hair go byebye.
unzip the file in a temporary directory.
rename the dodcross_r_v2.spr
and put it into your
directory. (note those above paths MAY be different on your PC)
Originally posted by Pinhead
the colors blend to well into the background so in certain areas you can't see it.
Still a good job though.
Originally posted by Mangler
I will see if I can make the colors BRIGHTER (like neon bright), becasue snow maps can make the yellow x-hair go byebye.
good idea, and great job
I just tried these out on avalanche. These crosshairs are invisible, except when you're looking into dark areas. I give them a 3/10.
Having PC troble, may have to wait for Green MK4 crosshair.
Its the heat, my PC does not like it.
Dying Robot
06-25-2003, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Wren
Wow, your like the two second man or something.
now I'm going to try out this puppy.
Nice looking, but way too small for people like me who use high resolutions.
Purple and green!
Also instructions are the 1st post in this thread in case you don't know what to do with these files...
The crosshairs are as large as I can make 'em without changing 'hud.txt'.
Some info about that file would also be appreciated by me.
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