Mapname Etiquette

06-18-2003, 02:42 AM
I was wondering if we had any? Cannot find any rules on this topic if any exist for that matter.

I see more and more names popping up that have allready been used in the ol' beta era. It seems to me that you allways need permission from the original mapper to change his map. Since every map is identified by its mapname (which would make it an integrated part of the map) which in turn means you have to ask permission to use the name.

Where do you guys stand on this topic?

06-18-2003, 04:37 AM
Its really a big problem since we dont have a controll organisation and no clear rules what is required to get a name...

There isnt even a list of names around of names used. Personally I think names used in an older version ( betas ) shouldnt not be regarded as taken since most maps arent going to work in 1.0 and the authors arent upgrading them. Think of it like the dns names on internet today. If you dont have a valid host/dns you cant regester a name, thus someone else can do it. Also if you dont use the adress anymore, someone else can take it...

Now I dont want to manage that on my spare time but.....

Perhaps a list in here with the names taken for working maps should do it. Also if you can produce valid screenshots of map you can claim a name not taken for like 3 months, if it isnt released or heared from durring that time it becomes free again...

My suggestion:
1 Offical list with released maps. Only valid for maps working in the current version of DoD.
1 Offical list with names, links to a preview and a date for claimed names. Non-released/updated maps get booted after a certain time.

06-18-2003, 05:28 AM
Hmm k, I was planning of making such a list anyways so I will post it in the mapping section asap. Your idea shows some merits though so I will make seperate lists and put them up on several sites I participate on.

[edit]I will first post the list here to see if it is complete. You guys might wanna put forth more maps than which I am aware of.

06-18-2003, 05:48 AM
Dont put the list up on other sites, put it up on one site and link the other ones to that site...

Personally I think it should be put here, perhaps in a sticky topic, since this is the offical DoD board...

06-18-2003, 06:17 AM
There was such a list of every dod map released pre-beta 2 that used to be through dodmaps. Its kinda gone down though it seems as many people I used to know have lost interest in the dod community / mapping community.

Our solution in the old days used to be first released gets the name, however some guys did manage to seem get the 'right' somehow to secure certain names although these maps were never released! *d'oh!*

Old map names were starting to get used by other mappers for their projects last time I was around (dod_arnhem - created in beta 1, etc).

Most of the mappers who created such used names are no longer with us these days (helvan, mouge and many others!) whilst people like me may have plans to update certain maps they released pre-version 1!

So to save confusion, its first released (and avalible from major dod map sites) gets the name in my opinion - if a map isnt avalible from these such sites.

There was talk about such a 'organization' to watch for map names before, but dont forget; these forums arent visited by ALL dod-mappers!

06-18-2003, 06:35 AM
Search your dod_mapname on google, and if you can't find anything, you can take it.

06-18-2003, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by xerent
Search your dod_mapname on google, and if you can't find anything, you can take it.
That would mean that all old maps that are no longer hosted would be thrown out of the window which is bad form if you ask me. I think old maps are part of the heritage of DoD and cannot be neglected as simply as you state Xerent.
In any case it wouldn't work since I am working on a DoD-Legacy at HoustonDoD so most maps will still be availible for download. Either at HoustonDoD or MapFreaks (yes MF is back in August :))

06-18-2003, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by xerent
Search your dod_mapname on google, and if you can't find anything, you can take it.

/me goes to make list of good map names he might release something someday in some universe and adds it to his homepage....

Wooallaaa, now those names belongs to me :D

06-18-2003, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Trail_Duck
That would mean that all old maps that are no longer hosted would be thrown out of the window which is bad form if you ask me. I think old maps are part of the heritage of DoD and cannot be neglected as simply as you state Xerent.
In any case it wouldn't work since I am working on a DoD-Legacy at HoustonDoD so most maps will still be availible for download. Either at HoustonDoD or MapFreaks (yes MF is back in August :))

I thought stuff stays on google even after it's been deleted from the web. You just get a broken link.

06-18-2003, 10:13 AM
I put the List up in a seperate Thread ... HERE (

06-19-2003, 04:40 AM
Hmm nobody interested in protecting our heritage ?

06-19-2003, 05:09 AM
I do :D

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