
06-17-2003, 02:45 AM
I decided to make my map look better with some good textures, so i loaded a bunch of 'em into hammer and when I compiled I got this:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: D:\Sierra\Half-Life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:\hammer_testbuild04\tools\" "D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\"

** Executing...
** Command: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlcsg.exe
** Parameters: "D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3"

hlcsg v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001)
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlcsg -----
Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlcsg.exe D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3

-= Current hlcsg Settings =-
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Wadinclude list :

entering D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90 %... (20.50 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90 %... (0.00 seconds)
10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90 %... (4.45 seconds)
Using WAD File: \sierra\half-life\valve\xeno.wad
Using WAD File: \sierra\half-life\valve\decals.wad
Using WAD File: \sierra\half-life\valve\halflife.wad
Embedding textures from WAD File [\sierra\half-life\valve\zhlt.wad] into BSP
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\38t_heltzer.wad
Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist

Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\half-track.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\kettenkraftrad.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\m2_halftrack.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\murs_tiger.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\prefab2.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\prefab.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\revenant.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\sandbagprefab1.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\sdkfz_251.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\tree.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\3trees.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\flak38.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\hk_rbl_2.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\kami-pack1.wad
Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\seg3-kami.wad

----- END hlcsg -----

** Executing...
** Command: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlbsp.exe
** Parameters: "D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3"

hlbsp v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001)
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlbsp -----
Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlbsp.exe D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3.log for the cause.

----- END hlbsp -----

** Executing...
** Command: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlvis.exe
** Parameters: "D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3"

hlvis v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001)
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlvis -----
Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlvis.exe D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3.log for the cause.

----- END hlvis -----

** Executing...
** Command: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlrad.exe
** Parameters: -extra "D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3"

hlrad v2.5.3 rel (May 2 2001)
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
----- BEGIN hlrad -----
Command line: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlrad.exe -extra D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file D:\Sierra\Half-Life\dod\maps\snipatrain3.log for the cause.

----- END hlrad -----

Now it says it cant find the wads, but they are definatly there! I tried placing them in other folders but that didn't do anything either.... Anybody know the solution to this prob?

06-17-2003, 02:49 AM
Ummm, i think the wad limit is 8 before you start having try taht first...

06-17-2003, 02:59 AM
Yes, put all the textures used in your own wad file.

Error: Could not open wad file \hammer_testbuild04\prefabs\38t_heltzer.wad
Is not the DOS limited to 8 characters?

This one's ok : ** Command: C:\PROGRA~1\ZHLT\hlcsg.exe

Generate the batch file, edit it, and good snipe! :D

06-17-2003, 04:54 AM
<-- n00by :)

How do I put al my used textures in 1 wad?
How do I make a batch file and what should I change in it?

Sorry for knowing nothing :confused:

06-17-2003, 06:36 AM
Download wally from and use the merge tool.

A batch file is a text file with a .bat ending. it executes command prompt (MSDOS) commands.

I suggest searching this forum for Batch Compiler. :)

06-17-2003, 06:58 AM
Thx a bunch Xerent :)

Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.