Mixing Submodels Tutorial

Lorda Mercy
06-15-2003, 06:58 PM
Please help me finish this tutorial.

How To Mix Submodels
Let's say you want to use Devin's SS Axis, however you want to use a sniper.mdl from someone else's player pack. Or, let's say you want to use Vandori's Allied models, but you really want the Staff Sgt to be a 3rd armored division tanker with the cool helmet and goggles.

In the past, it was easy as pie. You simply had to copy/paste the desired model into a class folder under models\players\ directory.

Here's how to do it with 1.0 . . .

Step 1:
Backup your current player model and backup the model that you want to mix and match from.

Step 2:
Using milkshape, decompile your current player model (ie, axis-inf.mdl and axis-infT.mdl) into a temp folder.

Step 3:
Decompile the model set that you want to mix models from into a temp folder.

Step 4:

06-15-2003, 07:38 PM
Paging Devin Kryss to thread 9183, Paging Devin Kryss to thread 9183...

HS The Whap
06-15-2003, 07:43 PM
:D :D :D :D :D

Devin Kryss
06-15-2003, 08:04 PM
Step 4: Locate the reference smd(s) from the mdl whose donating a submodel. Find them, and rename it with something you'll remember on the end. If the really cool tanker submodel is called allie_heavy.smd, rename it allie_heavy_TANKER.smd. Copy allie_heavy_tanker.smd into the same folder you ahd decompiled the mdl who need to accept the tanker. Open its qc. Find the class you want to give the tanker model, say you like the medium to be the tanker, find the line that reads:

studio "medium_body"

and make it say:

studio "allie_heavy_TANKER"

save and compile, and thats how you swap out reference smds and mix and match your players. Now, if you want to keep particular skins for the donating reference, you'll have to do this:

Open the doanting reference smd (In MS3D) from its ORIGINAL folder, where its ORIGINAL skin is. look in the materials tab in ms3d. Thats the skins the model is using. Go find those skins, and rename them. If its vandoris axis camo aprka, and you want it to be on the sniper in youre mdl,a nd you dont want the heavy to wear it, rename the parka's bmp with something like "_vandori" on the end. Go to the groups tab in MS3D, and click on the parka's bmp. Press the select button. Now flip abck to materials tab. click on the parka's bmp. Look a bit downward,a nd you'll see its name on a big button. click it, and it opens a oepn window, find the bmp with _Vandori on the end and click open. Now press the assign button on the very bottm of the amterials tab. Export the smd and save it over the one you opened. Now, in explorer, find the smd you jsut overwrote, and the bmp you renamed, and copy them into the accepting model's folder, if it asks to over write the sniper's smd, hit yes. If you did this write, you should compile with no problem, and you'll see a different jacket on the sniper.

AS for headgear, theres only a few styles per mdl, thye all share. IF you jsut want to put say, a tanker helmet on your 3rdID medium, you can just move/overwrite submodels.

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