tnt-bazooka question

06-15-2003, 06:23 AM
Here comes a question from a neewbie regarding these two objects,
I want to make an objective based map, one of the objectives requires the allies take one of the two items of the subject to blow up axis defenses, the axis have to avoid the allies from taking them and in case the allies get them, the axis have to defend the positions, so something like charlie-overlord but in the desert.
The difference here is that the bazooka-tnt are in physical contact with the bazooka but they cannot take them or use them. CAn it be done?
a) Either the object is only intended to be used by the allies.

b) Only the allies can get access to that area, but it cannot be inserted in the allies spawn area, but in the middle of the camp.

Which would be your suggestions
thanks in advance

06-15-2003, 07:14 AM
a) You can make a tnt object team specific. I don't know how to make a weapon team specific though, I don't think it can be done.

b) You can make an area only accessable by one team, somthing like team spacific doors or trigger_hurts to damage one team.

Mabe some other stuff that someone else will suggest :)

06-15-2003, 07:30 AM
Thanks haircut,
think i will go just for the allies tnt since it will be the easiest thing to implement.

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