Request: I forget how to reposition, teach me your ways.
Hey guys
Its been almost a year since I've messed around with repositioning models.
Even though I had only one release, there were quite a few who were fond of it. (Even though I can take no credit for the wounderful models that are produced here)
Anyways, I forget the procedure on how to reposition.
1. Decompile
2. Edit .qc file
3. Recompile
4. Save
5. Test out ingame
Thats the jist of it right?
However, when opening up the .qc file, I forget what I change for repositioning.
//origin ??
Something like that if I recall.
Also, which order are the numbers again?
The first number is z, second is x, third is y?
If anyone would mind helping me out. I'm in the mood to create some Shoulder-View weapons.
Thanks in advance.
Toejam Football
06-13-2003, 05:27 PM
This ( thread should help :)
I keep how to do it saved in a txt file cause I always forget which ones x,y, and z.
A: This is done by using $origin in your QC file at compile time. Place it near the top of your QC file, before the $sequences.
FORMAT: $origin X Y Z
X is left/right. Positive values move to the right.
Y is in/out. Positive values move out, away from you.
Z is up/down. Positive values move down.
Also, please for the love of god put $cliptotextures somewhere near the top of the .qc file. My biggest pet peeve is when something gets released here and the releaser (?) didn't do that.
Also, don't forget to add transparency back into the qc file if it's a model that uses it.
Ska Wars
06-13-2003, 05:34 PM
Dammit, I jus finished writing a set of instructions and realised bitles had jus wrote pretty much the same thing but better written lol
BTW I love that Avatar Mr. T. Cracks me up every time I see it.
*Dreams back to the good old days of the A Team, Knight Rider and Transformers* lol
Toejam Football
06-13-2003, 05:49 PM
Dont forget Thundercats :D
Ska Wars
06-13-2003, 05:51 PM
Thunder, thunder, thundercat hooooooooooooooo! lol
I think I must be the only person in Yorkshire who watched that cos none of my mate know what the feck im on about lol
Aaaaagh! Stop changing the subject ska! *slaps self* sorry Mr T.
Thanks alot guys, gunna give it a shot now.
PS- As an avid oldschool cartoon generationist, I don't mind talk of GI Joe, Thundercats, TMNT, Transformers, etc.
06-13-2003, 06:07 PM
Danger Mouse...:) & wacky races
Mr. T
remember this little reorgin?
heh now how could u forget how to do this?:(
garand doesnt work since it was intended for b3.1
06-13-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by MaRzY
Danger Mouse...:) & wacky races
Definitely! Seems not everyone here is as young as I always figure... Anyone remember Star Blazers? lol
06-13-2003, 06:11 PM
No can't say i do, but i can remember the clangers & and flash gordon in black and white on a satarday morrning.....:)
Ska Wars
06-13-2003, 06:17 PM
Danger Mouse rocked!
Anyone remember visionaries? The knights who could turn into animals and had staffs with magic powers and stuff? That series kicked ass but it was only summat like 20 episodes.
Originally posted by Ska_Wars
Anyone remember visionaries? Ska
I still have the toys!
And I have the Thundercats Liar as well.
Ska Wars
06-13-2003, 06:25 PM
Cool lol I used to have the 'Dagger Assault' when i was a kid and had a crappy plastic staff from that guy who turned into a cheeta lol
Ah the good old days of cartoons where nearly everyone in the credits had an asian name. Bring back the oldies! lol
Originally posted by AFG
Mr. T
remember this little reorgin?
heh now how could u forget how to do this?:(
garand doesnt work since it was intended for b3.1
My baby.
Is it possible it can be converted to 1.0?
06-13-2003, 07:56 PM
Do the standard HL models use 0 0 0? (I'm doing a conversion of weapons from DOD to HL for the fun of it)
06-13-2003, 09:01 PM
MrT what's up!!?!?! lolol
I know nothing about repos btw just to let you know
Originally posted by Mr.T
My baby.
Is it possible it can be converted to 1.0?
it can :D
ask Devin, Ska_Wars, maybe Effexx, Wolf, and possibly Russ?
Ska Wars
06-14-2003, 03:52 PM
Cool Im in the same list as Devin, Russ and Effexx lol *ego swells* lol
Why wolf though? he sucks lol (jk mate)
If it isn't to much trouble...
Or if I can be informed on how to convert I can give it a shot myself.
^ What he said.
Little help please?
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