[REL] British Iron-Sight Pack

06-12-2003, 06:27 PM
Hey all, this is a new Iron-Sight Pack for the british. I have made sure that they are fully looking down the sights, and have made sure that there are no clipping errors. Includes iron-sighted models for the Enfield, Sten. and Webley. Sorry, no bren, but if I did you wouldnt be able to see anything :).


Download (http://dodec.dodstudios.net/filedb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=600) from the DoD Editing Center (http://dodec.dodstudios.net).

P.S US and Better German set coming soon.


06-12-2003, 06:45 PM
But I want the bren :(.

Good job, it's kickin' *thumbs up*

Lt. Firmalo
06-12-2003, 06:56 PM
weeeeeee ironsightsssss GJ :)

Plastic Fantastic Lover
06-12-2003, 07:23 PM
Hooray, no clipping! /uses

Now get crackin' on fixin' your Axis pack and release an American one.

06-12-2003, 07:54 PM
You could have made the bren, so the side iron site lines up the middle of the screen. But with the gun almost off to the side a little.

06-12-2003, 10:23 PM
Heres a preview (http://dodec.dodstudios.net/30cal/usispack.jpg) of the U.S Iron-Sight Pack. Should be done with the rest by tomorrow.

Dances w Wolves
06-13-2003, 07:52 AM

06-13-2003, 11:25 AM
I'll try. Only problem with the Bren is that when you deploy, it moves to the left, and if I make it iron-sight for normal view, when you deploy it will be off by a few inches.

Dances w Wolves
06-13-2003, 11:48 AM
u need to remove the idle animations for al the guns, NON of your guns line up properly as iron sights.. sorry i love what ure doing dont get me wrong, but they arent possible to aim with (im souly tlaking aboutthe enfield and sten)

06-13-2003, 12:09 PM
I'll see if I can remove the animation. To get it lined up, you need to shoot once.

Dances w Wolves
06-13-2003, 12:17 PM
yeah but its not just every time u spawn, it reverts back to the anim meaning.... u have to give away your position AND waste ure ammo.

06-13-2003, 12:20 PM
Agreed. I removed the idle animation and they work much better now. I will have an updated pack up in a few minutes.

Dances w Wolves
06-13-2003, 12:24 PM
kewl, like i say great stuff man hope i wasnt too ahsrsh on ya ure doing some fantastic stuff! :D

06-13-2003, 12:52 PM
Ok zip is updated. Theres one problem though. For the enfield, when you first spawn its off to the left a little, and then after you shoot its fixed. But after you leave it for around 15 seconds its moves back to the left a bit. I've removed the idle animation so im out of ideas on how to fix it. But the sten and webly are perfect.

Plastic Fantastic Lover
06-13-2003, 01:09 PM
Snoogans. Before, it was practically impossible to hit someone w/ first shot w/ Enfield.

06-13-2003, 04:00 PM
possibly "cl_bob 0" or "cl_bobcycle 0" would fix the initial position. I'll try it and see.

Dances w Wolves
06-13-2003, 04:10 PM
tried it, no it doesn't

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